It could be a worst case scenario, she grew out of the character. It's the downside of acting like a loli and not embrace the

from the start. I dont think her Gawr Gura character was much different from her Senzawa character. Would explain why she's so eager to participate in all the singing and dancing, because she doesn't have to act then. Happens to alot of those kids who stream fortnite and all they do is screaming onto the mic then they turn older and find all those screaming super cringe.
Just for fun im mathing out the hours that Chama needed to beat gura. She isnt currently at 40.9 hours streamed so far vs Gura 110.35. So she needs to stream 2 hours 6 minute everyday from now on. It's actually looking a bit grim for Chama's chances. Because while she streams regularly, she usually clocks way under this mark, with only the suika stream hitting 2:22, and has even stated that her doctors told her to cut the fuck back on streaming on the comeback stream. And there're gonna be alot of event coming in on December as the year end hit so regular streaming might not be guaranteed.