As with most elements coming from that "culture", it's just another tool they use for self-victimization and, later down the line, for justification to control other people's behavior. Suddenly, an oversensitive person's triggers become a point of contention as they use it to shut down discussion as they feel too distressed to even function in the most extreme cases. Better yet, they will use their triggers to try to remove material they consider harmful and apply a label to you if oppose their pushy way of thinking.It's frustrating because on a base level, I get the logic behind trigger warnings. It's understandable that, say, a war veteran wouldn't want to hear gunshots coming from the TV after years of being shot at, or that a trafficking victim would feel uncomfortable seeing depictions of sexual abuse. The problem is that the early-2010s-tumblr types diluted this down to the most mundane, nonsensical shit where they'd get mad at people not tagging pet pics because they were bitten by a dog as a child and they're litcherally shaking right now - then those people broke containment from tumblr onto Twitter where they started interacting with the actual creatives behind TV and video game production, and that's where we are now.
I could go on about these processes forever, but I'm not here to write a book about the psychology and social "norms" of