It's probably just that I'm being way too parasocial, but for people like the sheep, you can't help but hope that things turn out right for 'em. I've dealt with similar personalities in the past, very much the kind that are outwardly polite and jovial, then one day you wake up and find out. And it's not that you can't spot signs, they're usually not subtle enough to fly over anyone perceptive enough. Sometimes life just ain't kind to the good ones.
It's strange, in a way, if I knew she would be happier moving on from VTubing, I'd prefer that to her feeling tethered out of guilt. There's too many people stuck in similar positions and at least for me I've enjoyed the entertainment, and it's better to end on a high note, happy and bittersweet then to go out loathing. I'm being hyperbolic, I know it's not like that, far as I tell she still enjoys streaming, but I just don't really know how to feel about it all.
Guess the message is that we all need some help and prayer sometimes. Some more then others unfortunately, goes for us all.