No nigga there are some fucking people here who are super autistic is not even funny. I don't know who posted a few days ago that dizzy might've gotten in trouble in one of her streams for criticizing the phase lore. I commented it probably was a bit maybe a subtle one but didn't check at the time. Yesterday with the gen3 teaser I got curious and went to see.Is this a bit or are you on of those autists that cant understand friendly banter? For your information Raden enjoyed that. Kiara talked about collabing whit Raden in this stream too. Looking forward to more bants.
The woman couldn't make it more obvious it was a bit and tried to mimic how people change their tune real fast when they get the call. I'm quite fascinated that there's people out there who cannot read those interactions at all and I'm more curious how there's seem to be a lot more of them nowadays, is it the water?