Keeping me up because I'm fuc-
Even in vtuber forums, F O E
War Domain Cleric with Level 1 feat at character creation, takes the Fighting Initiate feat and selects Fighting Style: Unarmed so he's dealing 1d8+Str from the start of the game and utterly shitting on the nerd that chose Monk level 1 and gets stuck with 1d4+Str damage from Martial Arts class feature, and the Monk doesn't even get d8 damage until level fucking 11.
Even with a mid stat spread or basic array you can get decent fight stats, thick in Str for the big hits, big in Con for the extra HP per level, a 13 or 14 in Dex is fine since you can do all your clapping in Halfplate while the virgin Monk loses class abilities if they wear anything heavier than a puffy vest. A real Chad of God though will style on them by rolling hot fire for stats (given by the grace of God no doubt) and having +4 on Dex and Str so you can bust out the Dempsey Roll mid fight. But wait, there's more! Along with being part of the God Squad your devotion to a deity and their tenets as a clergyman means you get Divine magic so not only are you already outperforming the idiot in robes that didn't learn cantrips (like an idiot) by already slapping goblins harder than he can from the outset but you can cast cantrips like Guidance (to give him divine assistance to learn he fucked up his life path), Light (because he's a Variant Human normie bitch and doesn't have low-light or darkvision), Thaumaturgy (so you can yell over his panicked cries for help when he starts getting clowned by wolves), Sacred Flame (to deny them the kills they don't deserve to claim from a greater range than they can move to the next target). You even get full leveled spells like Command (you're so in with your God that you can tell literally anyone what to do and they are FORCED to obey), Sanctuary (Gay Baby Jail: The Spell as long as they sit still and don't try to fight), Healing Word (so they can't say you never do anything for them) and Guiding Bolt (because the retard can't roll for shit and keeps missing even though they've got +6 on their attack rolls, presuming the target survives 4d6 radiant damage in a level 1 encounter).
The claw comes in because unfortunately, Clerics don't get class features that make their unarmed strikes automatically count as magical for overcoming resistances or material weaknesses, but you sure as shit can get gauntlets enchanted, capped with cold iron finger blades and silver knuckle studs. Once that dumbass Monk catches up to your damage die at level 11 that you've had since level 1, you may think it'll even out, but I ain't seen no Monk that can cast Flame Strike. Best they can do is if they're a Four Elements loser and even then it's only Fireball, and if they think they're flexing by being able to cast that at level 11 the Wizard is averting their gaze trying not to make eye contact out of embarrassment because they've been able to do that for 6 levels themselves and can prepare that shit 7 times a day by now and the Monk can only do that twice before they're spent.
... I zoned out there for a second. What was I saying? Oh, right, battle claw on a cleric. So, War Domain-
If I continue to apply to Niji until they make the mistake of choosing me, I'm going to debut with the name Patrick Warburton and if no one internally tries to stop me, I'll put on my best Kronk and play it absolutely dead straight my entire career and act dumb to any inquiries on what the fuck do I think I'm doing.
>Nijilogo program>pomu headband>pomu hotdog>[RawVox] God Sees All_Nina
Actual retard.

At least put it all in a folder marked PORN you dumb woman.