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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
This forum has constant hazing rituals for all users, if someone can't take it then they can fuck off to 4chins or leddit, anyone here is free to say whatever they want but if you plan to say retarded shit then be ready to get checked on your bs, people who take that personally are the biggest fags of all. Stick by your guns if you really believe in something, back down gracefully if you accept you're wrong or check someone else on their retarded attempts to call you out, or even better yet... IGNORE PEOPLE.Goddamn I hope she paid the animators handsomely. That's a well done MV with tons of good references. I've been pausing nonstop to see everything during the chorus.
Again, to any Nijifriends - we bust each others chops nonstop. The only reason we don't have many Niji posts is because none of you will speak up. Rep your oshi, post funny clips. Tell us why we should watch stuff. We appreciate everyone and anyone - from the dumpster diving @Takodachi all the way to the Chumbuds.
What ever happened to that guy?
Dude was a massive capital P pussy, got mad and called us bigots over the anti-troon sentiment when the hogfarts thing was going on when it was obvious why everyone was so pissed, then he went crying to proctor like an autistic schoolchild cries to the teacher because "peopol weigh beiwng mean to hiwm!" OH NO YOU POOR BABY! My respect for Proctor has only grown since he publicly mocked the guy. He then fucked off and was never seen again.
This is what hurts the most of their departure, not getting more C/KxV/M.
I couldn't fathom being such a softskinned motherfucker as to rage out because people aren't giving my preferred company better treatment when they're raking fat Ls every week. If you can't tear out the asshole of your favourite things you're not a real fan, you're just a fairweather tag-along bitch. Real fans can acknowledge, accept and laugh at the bad times and rough patches. Shitslinging is bad faith 60% of the time anyway, why let it get into your head?
Unacceptable. This display is the will of the Nijigger. This weakness is why they are a company are doomed, you cannot bear the weight of a company carried on the shoulders of the spineless. The Elira Coup cannot come soon enough when she rallies her besties and bails on the metaphorical-and-hopefully-physical sinking ship of Nijisanji EN, reclaim Anastasia from her worldwide journeys and found their own company, Vtubers Sans Frontieres, streamers without corpo oversight breathing down their neck telling them what games to stream.
I remember asking him once why he was even here (or in the homeland) if he dislikes TTD and people being assholes online and he gave me some non-answer shit, I still don't fucking understand.
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