Emulating MH4U or Generations Ultimate is probably the best call for oldschool MH. GU is a little retarded, and very bloated with shit monsters but it's still fun. 4U is the series peaking, so might not want to play it first. World starts off pretty bad and unironically gets worse the further in you get. Rise, from what I've played, is generally great, and actually hits a nice balance of new and old MH. Haven't played the DLC for Rise yet though.I've played about 30 hours of MH World a few years ago, and that's it, so I have barely any experience with the series. I also have Rise because I got it on sale for cheap. All this talk about Wilds makes me want to go back and play some of these, as well as maybe emulate some of the older titles because I'm certainly not paying $70 for a game, especially one that runs like shit.
Other games worth trying are Portable 3rd, PSP game, emulates great, has a HD patch and fan translation, but is a game without G rank. And 3U which is iffy on emulation but is a great game, as long as you don't let brainlet niggas convince you that swimming was a bad.