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Vidya Games Thread


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Joined:  May 10, 2023
To give you an idea of how stupid the game design in SWG was, you had three bars called Stamina Pool, Mind Pool, and Agility Pool. You can think of them like HP, MP, and TP except you don't just spend them to execute abilities but if ANY of them hit 0, you're KOed. Enemy attacks can target specific pools so, say you spent half of your mind pool on abilities, an enemy can attack your mind pool since it's basically at half HP, even if your stamina pool is full. If you're KOed, you take wounds which reduce your maximum pool amount and this stacks with each KO. You need to sit and watch dancers or listen to musicians to clear your wounds so you can reach max pool values.
It's funny how there was something of a player revolt when they changed it away from that dumb system. Personally I was a fan of the NGE-era of the game even if a lot of the old-heads hated it. Still every now and then revisit one of the NGE private servers that is run.


haha it's unou
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
And yet you could name them all, even the ball ones are iconic. You mention e.g. Geodude being just a ball with arms, but you'd recognise him from his silhouette.
The original 151 get promoted the most and are more *ahem*
Than the generations after it, this includes gen 2, too. Even though from all background info we know of Johtomons are treated basically like Gen 1 DLC.
However, just because you're Iconic doesn't mean you're better than the later generations. It really just boils down to Nostalgia vs being able to say "yeah, I think the giant snowflake Pokemon is cool!"

I will also add in my own gripe with modern Pokemon that I've personally felt but I do feel like post-gen 5 Pokemon have become less "Pocket MONSTERS" and more so whacky technicolor animals.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
I will also add in my own gripe with modern Pokemon that I've personally felt but I do feel like post-gen 5 Pokemon have become less "Pocket MONSTERS" and more so whacky technicolor animals.
i think the only ones that did a decent job are Digimon and Cassettebeasts. Even the most hardcore of fangames flop this 90% of the time and it sucks I think Pokémon Voyager is the only one that manages to be a Pokémon looking fangame.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
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