"A girl's mock kawaii is her weapon"Aragami Oga

Vidya Games Thread


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
Joined:  Jun 28, 2023

What the hell is an "AI game studio?"

There's been development in interactive AI generations - Doom, Counter-Strike, Minecraft for example. Very early work, nowhere near the level of art, video, or music (the latter of which is basically at near-perfect status already), but the time is rapidly coming that games will indeed be generated instead of rendered - and a little bit later down the line, completely AI constructed.


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New game to add to your Steam wishlist:


Coming out the same day as Assassin's Creed: Shadows, by the way.



I left Kson
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The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
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Lurker McSpic

We need to increase the hag population
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Not sure if this completely falls under what you're looking for, but I subscribed to this guy a bit back because he seemed to fall under this. I haven't got around to watching many of his videos, so I can't comment on the overall quality of them, but they seem good. Most of his videos tend to be around 3 minutes long where he briefly describes a game and maybe some notable features. Also seems to do this with large updates to games. As his name suggests, he focuses more on single player games and mostly RPGs, survival, etc games. Doesn't seem like a bad place to look into to find some recommendations for those.

Although a bit of a warning: heavy Euro accent ahead. Looks like he's from Austria.
thanks for the info. I ran into him once but he just reviews indies that are already somewhat more mainstream. I'm looking for showcases of less known indies that might be decent. I might have to wrestle with youtube's retarded search engine see if I can find something.

What the hell is an "AI game studio?"

The cool thing would be to use ai trained in your artist's work to generate enough assets you can produce content for the game faster, driving down dev costs but all we're gonna get is just poo imbued code that generates shitty minecraft clones with slightly less bugs than the average AAA game


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Human Torch trailer just dropped.

As expected, his area denial kit looks amazing. I think he's going to be an absolute menace.


No faith in Humanity
Dizzy's Wife
Joined:  Oct 30, 2022
Human Torch trailer just dropped.

As expected, his area denial kit looks amazing. I think he's going to be an absolute menace.

The leaks were pretty accurate then. Kind of surprised it's a Storm teamup and not the Thing, unless it's hiding behind his gameplay reveal.


I left Kson
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Even less reason to upgrade


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So do I read that right that there is very, very little reason to care about this? 40 games and only the exclusively 32 bit ones are the ones that are affected?
US Devs for recent successful game Marvel Rivals laid off. New


I left Kson
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024
Oof for the Marvel Rivals players here. Wonder if this will have any impact on the game months down the line.

So do I read that right that there is very, very little reason to care about this? 40 games and only the exclusively 32 bit ones are the ones that are affected?
If none of the games on the list are something you plan on revisiting, sure. It's just gay how Nvidia and the industry at large keeps fucking with old games.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
Needs more knockoff NWA for combat music.
OOOH OOOH i got the perfect one.

if you know you know.
Human Torch trailer just dropped.

As expected, his area denial kit looks amazing. I think he's going to be an absolute menace.

how many people are going to try to get a kill with giant flaming 4's? I know I am.
Oof for the Marvel Rivals players here. Wonder if this will have any impact on the game months down the line.

it will im already seeing it degrade into a mainstream mess.

you hire the director to make a good game and then ditch them after the game is made hire some yesman who will make it more like overwatch.

and aside from kyntar rivals maps were great most having at least one unique aspect to make them interesting and the only real problem with kyntar is its just one big hallway.

Ben also dropped.



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Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
If none of the games on the list are something you plan on revisiting, sure. It's just gay how Nvidia and the industry at large keeps fucking with old games.
I might try sometime to play Borderlands or AC4 with software PhysX to see how good or bad it is, but I would assume it not to be a dealbreaker in games as old as these.
Otherwise there is also the option to just leave it off. Oftentimes the effects were very superficial and a bit gimmicky.


No faith in Humanity
Dizzy's Wife
Joined:  Oct 30, 2022
Ben also dropped.
The Thing's passive seems to be that he can't get knocked around by the enemy team based on how he no sold the Bucky, Hulk, and (maybe) Spiderman in those clips. That's potentially pretty big given how much of a nuisance Wolverine is for any tank player.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
The Thing's passive seems to be that he can't get knocked around by the enemy team based on how he no sold the Bucky, Hulk, and (maybe) Spiderman in those clips. That's potentially pretty big given how much of a nuisance Wolverine is for any tank player.
as i recall from his leaked kit. hes immune to disruption IF hes inside the zone of any of his abilities. may have been changed to just at all times or whatever.


in a toxic relationship with IRyS
Joined:  Jan 28, 2023
Oof for the Marvel Rivals players here. Wonder if this will have any impact on the game months down the line.

Based. Get rid of all the Western devs on it before they give Squirrel Girl a pride skin or some shit.
Valve updates Source SDK 2013 to include the ability to make Team Fortress 2 mods using the game's source code. New


Punished Autism Extraordinaire
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Ward Security
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Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023

Valve has officially released TF2's entire Source Code and added it to the Source SDK for modding. This in combination with the Final Comic being released in December basically truly is Valve saying they're done.

If only they'd just revert MyM balance changes and bring back Quickplay.

give fan creators like 2 months tops.

Also stupid curios as to what this means for TF2C since as i recall they are built upon the old leaked code and they essentially made their whole version of the game under the assumption something like this would never happen.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
Human Torch trailer just dropped.

As expected, his area denial kit looks amazing. I think he's going to be an absolute menace.

His primary fire having a recharging ammo limit like Mantis's heal is pretty funny seeing as how he has 6 charges and it looks like it instantly regenerates 1 charge if you land a hit, so he effectively has infinite ammo if you're good with him. I look forward to stacking those firewalls in maps with long hallways, it's going to be scary. We could also now see triple flying duelist comps with Iron Man, Storm, and Human Torch as a counter to melee heavy comps. Bonus points if you have Rocket gliding in the air while Strange is also floating with his shield up. Now we just need purely flying Strategist (supposedly Ultron) to really counter melee heavy comps.
The Thing's passive seems to be that he can't get knocked around by the enemy team based on how he no sold the Bucky, Hulk, and (maybe) Spiderman in those clips. That's potentially pretty big given how much of a nuisance Wolverine is for any tank player.
Yeah, the leaks showed that his passive is immunity to knockback. He also has an ability that lets him leap to an ally and gives him and his ally a damage reduction buff. So yeah, he's going to be a pretty solid pick into Wolverine. It's actually pretty solid that if you're running duo-tank and he just gives him and the other tank on his team a damage reduction buff and now Wolverine is in the frontline not doing much damage.

Supposedly Data-mined Patch Notes: (most of these line up with the dev video)


-Venom's FRENZIED ARRIVAL has been changed from vertical Knockback to inwards knockback at a 75° angle
-Ultimate cost: 2800 -> 2500

Captain America:

-"Added the ability to use absolute will for defense during jumping"
-Vibranium energy saw: Projectile speed increased from 60m/s to 80m/s. ejection speed after a hit increased from 100m/s to 150m/s


-Removed cooldown after the Rune Awakening skill duration ends


-Groot walls can be placed up to 18m (up from 15m)


-Primary 35 to 40
-Curtain: energy cost 50 to 65, Maximum duration 2 to 1.5

Doctor Strange:

-Base HP: 650 to 600

Iron Fist:

-Base HP increased from 250 to 300
-Jeet Kune Do's 1st, 2nd, and 5th attack damage reduced from 32 to 30
• 3rd and 4th damage reduced from 16 to 15• 6th damage reduced from 55 to 50.
• Cooldown time of each hit to reduce the combo attack increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds
• Damage of each hit of the Sun Punch decreased from 19 to 10.
-HARMONY RECOVERY: Bonus HP provided increased from 50 to 150 with HP decay at 25/s
-DRAGON'S DEFENSE: HP converted from block increased from 150 to 200
(supposedly each hit of the Sun punches add 1.7% of the target's max HP to the total damage)

Mr. Fantastic:

• Spell Field increased from 2.5 to 5m
• Now knocks enemies outwards after landing
• Charge increased from 8s to 10s
• Damage increased from 50 to 70
• Energy cost increased from 2800 to 3400
• Damage fall off: dmg starts decaying at 3m to a max of 50dmg at 10m

Iron Man:

-Damage Increased from 120/s to 140/s
-Armor Overdrive Unibeam increased from 180/s to 190/s


-Base Health: 250 to 275
-Explosive arrows: Damage decreased from 20 to 15, spell field dmg increased from 25 to 32
-CRESCENT SLASH: Cooldown decreased from 15s to 12
-Ultimate: Bow charge speed is accelerated, Draw speed increased from 1.2 to 1.35


-Wind blade Damage at 30m reduced from 70% to 60%
-Self-boost from 16% to 12%
-Teamboost from 8% to 10%
--Goddess Boost (thunder) self-boost dmg increased from 30% to 25%

Star Lord:

-Ultimate cost: from 1200 to 1800

Scarlett Witch:

-Ultimate: 100 bonus HP applied on cast
-Decays at 50/s after interrupt/end


-Web-Shooters: Recharge time decreased from 3s to 2.5s

Moon Knight:

-Ultimate: Khonshu's fist speed reduced
-Corrected the damage logic, removed 75 dmg for being in the middle of the spell field
-Each fist now does 150 (up from 75)

Black Widow:

-Rifle Capacity increased from 8 to 15
-Ultimate: Slow down effect reduced from 80% to 55%
(More info shows potentially a 15% vulnerability on enemies for 4 seconds from the Ultimate)


-ELDRITCH WHIRL (normal): dmg decreased from 45 to 40
-DEMON'S RAGE (normal): dmg decreased from 80/s to 72/s
-Ultimate: cost reduced from 3700 to 3400
Hela: (Unconfirmed)
-SOUL DRAINER: damage falloff at 30m from 70% to 80%

Adam Warlock:

-Primary Fire damage increased from 55 to 60, 60% damage falloff at 40m (up from 50% dmg falloff)
-SOUL BOND: healing increased from 10/s to 15/s

Cloak & Dagger:

-Ultimate: cost increased from 3400 to 4000
-"Dash lanes/Fog that heals" duration reduced from 10s to 8s
-Pause between dashes reduced from 1s to 0.67s
-Healing effect of the dash lanes no longer STACK, only 1 lanes works when overlayed on each other
-TERROR CAPE: Vulenrability on enemies increased from 20% to 28%

Luna Snow:

-Ultimate cost increased from 4000 to 4500


-Ultimate Cost increased from 3400 to 4000
-Ammo increased from 10 to 12


-Ultimate bonus HP reduced from 100 to 75

Invisible woman:

-Ultimate cost increased from 4000 to 4300


-Unibeam dmg reduced from 220/s to (????)
-Hulk HP gained from being an anchor reduced from 150 to 100

-PSIONIC DISC (rewind)

-Teleport time reduced from 5s to 3s
-bonus HP conversion increased from 0.5 to 0.8


-New 25/s healing effect to Moon Knight's invisibility zone

--Symbiote bond

-Skill time reduced from 4s to 1s
-50% damage reduction is removed
-Complete invincibility added

--Frozen Chi

-Healing increased from 50 to 75
-Enemy slow effect increased from 20% to 30%
I'm fine with most of these patches notes but man, fuck those Iron Fist buffs and Mr Fantastic nerfs. That SW buff for 100HP when ulting won't mean much but if she's teaming-up with Mag, it's going to be nasty when she gets that and the shield added on.

That C&D nerf is huge. Since she can't stack her ult's healing, you can now kill her through high DPS like Punisher ult now because it's only 220 HPS. Her ult's total duration is going to be 3 second shorter altogether with that dash delay being reduced but it's going to make it harder to snipe her at the end of her dashes with a Mag ult or Namor ult.

Also looks like they're keeping the bugged double damage output of Moon Knight's ult but slowing the firing rate so you don't immediately die when you hear "THE".
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We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022

What the hell is an "AI game studio?"

Instead of employing 18 programmers, 8 artists, a sound designer and a game planner, you just use Grok to do all the heavy and light lifting.
Couple this with the "uberized" game testing app where you betatest games for funbucks and you're looking at someone's idea for the close future of the games scene.
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