Yeah STAR kind of goes over this in his video. The update wasn't the entire selling point just a push because every other shooter is "SKILL BASED MATCHMAKING, YOU TOO CAN BECOME ESPORTS!". There's not a lot of shooters that you can casually play a game of that doesn't use some form of skill based matchmaking. I share the sentiment of just wanting to play a game where it's 24v24 where j.gonzalez2004, Memename69420, Harukaismywaifu25, and John Bigdick can all be in the same game.
SBMM is genuinely killing my interest in playing any kind of PVP videogame recently, reverted back to mostly MMOs and gacha games like a soulless automaton. Yeah, it has its places, in fucking ranked modes, and 1v1 games, like fightan or RTS. It has no god damn place in any kind of casual playlists, or BR games with 100 players.
It is incredibly frustrating to be stuck in the bracket of players where you're around the top 10%-20% without being an autismal tryhard. It stops being a game, and just becomes a repetitive pattern noticing exercise. Oh, had a good match? Welp, time to get dicksmashed by XinBingBingQing and his aimbot and full tryhard loadout, at 850 ping. Gotten your dick flattened 4 times in a row? Time to get a match against a bunch of people with no arms who keep walking into walls so you don't quit the game. OK, had your fun, back to the Chinese dick press, LiveLeak logo included.
And then you have people defend this, and any time you have any kind of argument against SBMM, it's just the NPC response of "Wow, you just want to stomp noobs". Sure, I want to feel like I'm better than most people, if my global stats indicate that I should be. I also want to have somewhere below 100 ping, instead of the entire scoreboard being full of PingPings. What, should I move to fucking China, so people like you can keep playing your two matches a week in peace? Just kinda representative overall of modern videogames, where you punish people for actually playing your game in an attempt to get more people in your game who won't play it, no matter how many handouts you give them.
I also want to take this opporitunity to complain about Tarkov as I've tried to play it the last few months, and there are two things big things that make me hate the game. (and I've been playing it the last couple of days so I can't stomach watching Sleepy's return because the game pisses me off).
Tarkov's actually been in development for over 9 years at this point. I bought it back when they promised a singleplayer campaign and a bunch of other shit that doesn't exist, and will never exist.
I wholeheartedly recommend playing SPT, and modding the shit out of it to make an actually fun videogame, because the actual Tarkov devs are clearly incompetent as fuck, and also unbelievably retarded when it comes to anything game design.