I'm last-minute grinding in Arknights before the 7-hour maintenance, and every day I do not get Endfield access is a hate crime against me, personally. To further fill the void, here's another roundup of games I'm at least tangentially aware of.
Cardfight!! Vanguard Dear Days 2 released the other week to horrendous bugs, translation errors, and a high cost of entry, but because it is the best place to play the card game digitally, there is no alternative! If you're not a turbo-fan of the series, wait 1-2 years for it to go on sale and possibly fix the issues. Otherwise, I doubt this is going to get new people into the game, especially with the $70 + DLC price tag:
This week in Warframe, the Rhino Heirloom pack released. Next week in Warframe, Lavos Prime will release. In March, the TechnoCyte Coda will release, alongside four new protoframes, and the new Temple Warframe (Rebecca accidentally leaked that they're also getting a protoframe - sasuga). I am still incapable of pursuing Warframe Wednesday due to extended tech issues that I mald about each day, but hopefully it'll be resolved soon! Maybe! I need my fix.
Space Engineers 2 released in early access for those who want to satiate their building autism. While the systems are an improvement over the first game, it is not yet a true "replacement", so give it some more time to add more content (it is more or less a barebones skeleton to showcase the new systems before content is added). At least I have higher hopes with these developers than Kerbal Space Program 2! I trust your ability to read the Alpha disclaimer on the steam page if you are interested in purchasing this, because of how much they stress this is just a skeleton, and to see the roadmap of content in the pipeline. Please play the first game for the time being if lack of content is a deal breaker!
The team behind SFO in Total Warhammer I/II/III are making their own game (in a completely different genre and style), released in early access the previous week. Will it capture the same audience? Absolutely not, but at the very least I'm going to get a copy of the game to support the work they have done over the years. Support your local modders today!
Back to the Arknights mines I go, Hypergryph please gib Endfield, I will die without it