130+ hours into the PoE 2 beta, and wanted to do a post containing my thoughts.
Not a whole lot to say regarding the campaign really, it was good. Though running through with multiple characters was kind of a slog due to the repeated acts (and it's long as fuck compared to PoE 1). Game overall was easy as hell, and Monk fucking shitstomped the entire thing with ease. I was going to do a third character, but I really can't justify it right now. We'll see in a few months towards the end of early access.
Once into Endgame, this shit is fucking BARREN. Like a hag's dusty ass womb, there ain't SHIT here. PoE 2 my ass, this shit is PoE 0.5. Jonathan (or was it Mark?) in the EA preview trailer mentioned they only cooked Endgame for like 4 months, and you can fucking tell. The vast majority of PoE's mechanics are just not here, itemization is simplified, builds are simplified, crafting doesn't even fucking exist (unless you're Belton and rich as fuck), everything is SIMPLIFIED. My first impressions back on launch were that I feel like I'm playing Diablo/Diablo 2, and that feeling sticks throughout your entire journey.
Alright this is more like a rant really. You could be genuinely retarded with a room temp IQ and cook up a god-tier build in this game, you really can't brick anything. Compare that to PoE 1 and if you fuck up AT ALL? You're just screwed. Played for 40 hours and don't have the regret orbs to respec? Get fucked loser, time to fucking learn how the game works so next time you get to actually play! I mean seriously, all everyone said was that PoE 2 was gonna be so much harder, but it really just isn't. I have a pretty cheap Monk build, barely pushing 2 MAYBE 3 Divine orbs in value and I crush everything, and have only died a few times in maps (all on death effects, 2 of which didn't even render visually).
It really does make me kind of sad if I'm honest. I love PoE, I love the jank ass shit you can make, I love the depth it has, I love it all. Is it intimidating? Yeah, it really is. But God damn I love all the wacky shit you can make viable, so long as you have the currency to pump into it. Sure PoE 2 is in EA, but they've been cooking this shit for 5 years at this point, and it's supposed to fully release within a year. I expect to honestly be disappointed on the full release, because I don't see them actually giving it the depth of PoE 1 at all.
Ok rant over. It really is PoE 0.5, and it's damn a shame. Overly simplified games make me sad, especially when its one I've been dying to play for years at this point.

I did enjoy the time I spent, but I really don't see myself coming back very often if this is anywhere close to what the full release will look like. I have PoE 1 for that, and PoE 2 really doesn't fit into what I want from the ARPG genre. Here's a good way of comparing it. Of the modern ARPGs I've played, D4 is the simplest, then PoE 2, then PoE 1 being the most complex. Why would I play the "sequel" when the original is the superior product in every metric other than visual fidelity?
edit: rant not over, I just remembered something. GGG has been cucking PoE 1 leagues for YEARS because of PoE 2. We've been getting half baked shit for years because of a game that STILL ISN'T FINISHED HALF A DECADE LATER. God I hope the next PoE 1 league is peak.