I mean it's the artstyle of the region they come from. If the western hemisphere wasn't rotten by tumblr and mediocre artists we'd have more variety in gaming regardless if they're woke or not. Also a good chunk of devs who are making games nowadays grew up with garbage anime like naruto or my hero academia, so they try to emulate what they liked.
I honestly think it's gonna be a double whammy of woke disaster. It's gonna happen like god of soy. The first one regardless of how you feel about kratos portrayal was quite decent story wise. Then the second one is when they couldn't help themselves and had to give it aids. I also have the theory that they were burning so much money a la kojimbo that sony told balrog to wrap up his homosexual trilogy in one game. Spiderman had the same thing happen to it so if we use our noticing powers it's a no brainer that GOY is gonna suffer the same fate