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This can only end poorly so I think it's a great idea
Worst case: they say no because we're le ebil doxxing forum spun off from transphobia central, KIWI FARMS
Best case: they blindly accept and the coping and seething hits DEFCON 1, resulting in the whole con collapsing into a tranny/tranny-ally riot that requires riot police to quell, causing all future vtuber cons to be banned in the UK (let's be real, the UK was gonna do that eventually)
It's also a hilarious cope. People far worse than us sponsor events all the time. If Offkai took Sayu's money with the shrieking nijisister horde relentlessly attacking anyone she associated with publicly and allegations of her being a child-lover still being shrilly peddled by the Protected Classes[TM], Vexpo will be happy taking mine. You think my public image looks bad? Ask Nestle representatives how it feels to be constantly confronted with videos of their own CEO candidly saying that access to drinking water isn't a human right and he is actively working to take yours away.
Vexpo might not want to associate with us for a number of perfectly valid reasons I have no issues with; we're controversial and hated by many. Just like Dream, FalseEyeD, Dokibird, Keemstar, and I'm too tired to think of other examples right now. But that says nothing more than 'we have assessed that the risk of having you is not outweighed by the material gains'. Aka 'bring more money to the table next time'.
I have replied to my initial contact. Now we wait and see. Even if I get ultra-mega-giga-hyper-omni-kill-on-sight-with-a-herring blacklisted it's my TVA-related email and I haven't bought a ticket yet, so I can go no matter what.
I guess my question would be, what's the upside? I mean, assuming things don't go horribly wrong, and this doesn't cause problems for the site, what's the possible benefit? A few more chuubas might join the Groomcord and never post anything on the forum?
I would be able to stick it in the face of everyone who screeches that TVA is a verboten den of evil that should never be mentioned in polite company, while furiously masturbating to greentexts of raping loli vtubers to death on 4chan. There are others, but that alone suffices.
I would be able to stick it in the face of everyone who screeches that TVA is a verboten den of evil that should never be mentioned in polite company, while furiously masturbating to greentexts of raping loli vtubers to death on 4chan. There are others, but that alone suffices.
Does anyone who matters do that? I think most people either don't know we exist or they don't care or are supportive. All of the indie pippa clones and dramafags seem pretty supportive from what I've seen, idk if there's a need for this kind of victim mentality when the only people who have actually gone after us are the fucking soychildren and they just do it for fun.
Proctor should make a donathon, and make a 1000 usd goal where the TVA members could vote and decide what Proctor gonna wear to the V-expo. Otherwise people has no reason to donate
I'm worried it might cause an influx of new users. But I'm also very confident in this place's ability to quickly filter them out super hard. I'm right inbetween "this has potential be a trainwreck, so I'll donate for the amusement factor." and "I like the idea".
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