"Get with the times. We don't - we don't like real women anymore. 'What do you mean, these virtual women go online and make money while I have to spend 3 hours putting my makeup on' Yup. Get over it, whore. Your days are over. Your womb is drying up. My womb is eternal. hahaHAHA"Shondo
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This vtweeter is a deluded retard. Both candidates have been arguing with each other over who sucks Israel's dick the best. Kamala doesn't give a shit about a ceasefire lol
Literally all of Israel's neighbours hate the Pallies more than Israel. The only ones who don't hate the Pallies are Iran, which uses Pallies as disposable guided bomb belts and has to routinely shoot its own citizens when they protest about the government spending its money on said guided bomb belts rather than at home, the Israeli left, and college students/twitter lefties.
Trying to reach to normalfags (what you actually need for the popular vote, hence the fucking term "popular") using an inherently niche medium thats oversaturated already and generally populated by people who geniuenly want to be apolitical is fucking retarded and hilarious.
I don't usually react to things this retard has said but this is beyond retarded. Did this guy forget the bullying and death threats Pikamee received during that time which warranted that kind of reaction from Tenma?
I don't usually react to things this retard has said but this is beyond retarded. Did this guy forget the bullying and death threats Pikamee received during that time which warranted that kind of reaction from Tenma?
Kill Nijisisters. Behead Nijisisters. Roundhouse kick a Nijisister into the concrete. Slam dunk a Nijisister baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Nijisisters. Defecate in a Nijisisters food. Launch Nijisisters into the sun. Stir fry Nijisisters in a wok. Toss Nijisisters into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Nijisister's gas tank. Judo throw Nijisisters into a wood chipper. Twist Nijisisters heads off. Report Nijisisters to the IRS. Karate chop Nijisisters in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Nijisisters. Trap Nijisisters in quicksand. Crush Nijisisters in the trash compactor. Liquefy Nijisisters in a vat of acid. Eat Nijisisters. Dissect Nijisisters. Exterminate Nijisisters in the gas chamber. Stomp Nijisister skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Nijisisters in the oven. Lobotomize Nijisisters. Mandatory abortions for Nijisisters. Grind Nijisister fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Nijisisters in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Nijisisters with a ray gun. Kick old Nijisisters down the stairs. Feed Nijisisters to alligators. Slice Nijisisters with a katana.
I don't usually react to things this retard has said but this is beyond retarded. Did this guy forget the bullying and death threats Pikamee received during that time which warranted that kind of reaction from Tenma?
No he just ignored it because he agrees with the bullying. The fact that he says "being mad at vtubers for playing a game" without understanding how stupid it actually is should make it obvious. "It wasn't bullying it was standing up against evil and educating them" is probably what he believes. Someone told him lia and jelly are bad in replies so I hope eventually he'll decide the company in general is bad and leave our community for good, returning to his toxic shithole.
I don't usually react to things this retard has said but this is beyond retarded. Did this guy forget the bullying and death threats Pikamee received during that time which warranted that kind of reaction from Tenma?
I kinda want to see someone spoonfeed him the one Panko clip but at the same time I'd rather not have a bunch of rabid Nijifags going after her for a literal ESL moment.
I kinda want to see someone spoonfeed him the one Panko clip but at the same time I'd rather not have a bunch of rabid Nijifags going after her for a literal ESL moment.
I don't usually react to things this retard has said but this is beyond retarded. Did this guy forget the bullying and death threats Pikamee received during that time which warranted that kind of reaction from Tenma?
>going after Jelly, whose open PL/singer persona has pronouns in Bio
>going after Lia, who constantly thirsts after Yaoi and old school tumblr shit
If they somehow find a way to seethe for Rie i will laugh, these people are so miserable they want to go after people who would probably agree with them on some progressive ideas
Im glad these people have no relevance beyond their empty seething and that the wider community either outright dislikes or ignores them because of their Niji sperging
There's some bizarre drama between the troon Gura copy and some other vtuber
Seems like troon Gura was just trying to make a harmless "All I Want for Christmas Is You" reference, and then this Rin bitch just comes in swinging as if it were WWE
I can't tell if it's a joke or not, it's hard to tell with rainbow-flag types
There's some bizarre drama between the troon Gura copy and some other vtuber
Seems like troon Gura was just trying to make a harmless "All I Want for Christmas Is You" reference, and then this Rin bitch just comes in swinging as if it were WWE
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