"Surprisingly, I am wearing clothes today; I usually don't wear anything at home."Yukishiro Mahiro

The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread


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I know for a fact he does. He also recently noticed that this thread is public and asked me if that should worry him I told him that "worrying about things you can't control is a fool's errand" he agreed and said he wouldn't be reading it but I don't trust that to stick
I'd say he should do more worrying. He could absolutely minimise the potential negative effects of this thread by ghosting and rebranding, but we all know he won't do that.


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Let's give what little credit to Nolan that we can: his poor behaviours have largely been confined to his home and online. If he's been a nuisance in public, I haven't heard about it on this thread. So if you met Nolan in public, I don't think you'd have to do anything unless you were deliberately trying to antagonize him, and even if Nolan did somehow become an issue through no fault of your own, the most he'd be guilty of is being a public nuisance and disturbing the peace. I don't think you really need a game plan for that.
Chris chan public behaviour was not known until someone exposed him in the something awful forum. I am sure he has some outrageous behaviours in the public before, but no one bother discuss about him because everyone thinks Nolan is mentally retarded


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Let's give what little credit to Nolan that we can: his poor behaviours have largely been confined to his home and online. If he's been a nuisance in public, I haven't heard about it on this thread. So if you met Nolan in public, I don't think you'd have to do anything unless you were deliberately trying to antagonize him, and even if Nolan did somehow become an issue through no fault of your own, the most he'd be guilty of is being a public nuisance and disturbing the peace. I don't think you really need a game plan for that.
thats a lie you know he abused elderly at his moms retirement centre


No faith in Humanity
Dizzy's Wife
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thats a lie you know he abused elderly at his moms retirement centre
Let's give what little credit to Nolan that we can: his poor behaviours have largely been confined to his home and online. If he's been a nuisance in public, I haven't heard about it on this thread. So if you met Nolan in public, I don't think you'd have to do anything unless you were deliberately trying to antagonize him, and even if Nolan did somehow become an issue through no fault of your own, the most he'd be guilty of is being a public nuisance and disturbing the peace. I don't think you really need a game plan for that.
The blogpost in question for evidence (2023, first post):
Nolan gets into an argument with a coworker and ends up cursing and yelling at them. His boss found out he aggressively pushed a resident (reminder, he works in a nursing home with the elderly). He later finds out the coworker was right about the argument.
Nolan reboots the internet on his dad without giving him a heads up. His dad turns off his PC in response. Big screaming match happens and Nolan ends up crying in the middle of it.
Nolan uses his phone at work again and ends up getting it taken away permanently.
Has a huge fight with his dad, which results in his dad breaking down the door. It’s revealed he lost the job at the nursing home and his dad claims the only reason he wasn’t fired sooner was because his mom works there.
His dad blocks his PC from the internet at 11pm so he doesn’t stay up late, Nolan stays up late anyways by being on his phone, which he even tells his dad. He’s shocked his dad keeps his pc blocked.
Nolan gets told he needs to stop copy-pasting messages or empty livepost by a discord mod, causing him to break down in tears. Punished Nolan, A Man denied his LMAOOOOO.
His family is upset that he’s not taking care of the dogs and Nolan can’t seem to stand his brother at all.
Wakes up his dad at night by yelling at his brother, so his dad blocks the internet to his PC.
After doing something he was told not to do by his dad, he ends up creating a mess and getting into an argument with his dad. Screams, “I’m a monkey. I’m a monkey.” to his dad, gets his PC blocked again.
Discord mod calls out Nolan’s behavior and of course Nolan escalates the disagreement into getting himself banned after that mod mentions his bans from other discord servers. He tries to talk to another mod to get himself unbanned but they reveal they’ve received plenty of reports about him.

Nolan losing his shit over breadsticks.
Nolan’s dad takes his M&Ms from his candy drawer. Nolan proceeds to have a crisis.
Nolan has been getting banned from discords and it’s been causing him mental anguish.
Nolan had an outburst at work over his headphones breaking and it caused him to get sent home early. He’s now worried that he’ll get fired because he was playing on his phone when he wasn’t supposed to.
Nolan becomes completely unhinged and rants about his brother and the dogs. The night he posted this is also the night he spergs out on TVA and gets himself banned again from the general thread.
Nolan breaks the rules again, this time about the dog’s feeding schedule. His brother calls him out for it and he proceeds to sperg out again.
A month after getting his penis exploded, Nolan’s mental state is holding up just fine as he shoves his goblin hands into a tub of ice cream. Proceeds to rant about his brother lacking self-awareness.
Nolan is rattled because of reinigen’s post on the farms calling him out, so now Nolan wants reinigen dead.
Nolan goes to therapy, hilarity ensues.
So in conclusion, we are now aware that Nolan has lied about hitting his sister only once. In fact, Nolan has initiated physical altercations with multiple family members and a senior citizen, showcasing that he has massive aggression issues and escalates minor annoyances into actual conflicts. Nolan is also a blatant hypocrite, as he stated he doesn’t believe in using alt accounts to evade bans as he thinks that counts as lying while his blogspot posts show him admitting to using alt accounts to evade bans. Even if Nolan is too delusional to accept that he is a liar due to his own lies, he is a liar by his own definition of a liar regarding alt accounts makes him a liar.

Going through his old blogspot postings shows that we were wrong about Nolan, he did not get worse. What really happened was that Nolan got worse at restraining himself and that caused the mask to slip. Nolan is completely incapable of functioning in society and can not truly accept when he’s at fault for something as he will immediately redirect the blame onto others, even when he knows it isn’t really their fault. While Nolan has admitted to being diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger’s, it would not be surprising to find out that he has another mental illness that has remained hidden and undiagnosed as several of the symptoms may have just been attributed to his comorbidities. There is the possibility that he may also have Bipolar Disorder due to his rapid mood swings characterized by his bouts of mania that are quickly followed by episodes of depression. Nolan will exhibit mania through his unusual talkativeness, illogical thinking, impulsive behavior, and sleeplessness. This is followed by his depressive episodes marked by feelings of sadness, difficulty concentrating, and fits of rage caused by his irritability.

Regardless of what’s at play, he’s had countless chances to better himself or at the very least learn why what he’s doing is wrong. Unfortunately Nolan is still making the same mistakes and causing the same problems. As stated and showcased earlier, he is incapable of functioning like an adult and holding a job as trivial as a dishwasher that he got nepotism hired into through his mother. He is a constant burden on those around him and when his parents pass away, it is very likely that he’d burn through whatever inheritance he’d get and would be unable to properly support himself. There is the very real possibility that if his brothers aren’t willing to endure and support his overbearing presence, we could see a homeless Nolan liveposting about ponies and vtubers from the computers at a public library. Nolan is a true lolcow, a CWC in the making.

Below is an archive of his blogposts on Friendshipdailymlp that was created by @reinigen
We know Nolan gets into semi-regular physical fights with his father, brother, and sister (when she was alive). Presumably his mother, too, because if he was beating the shit out of his sister then why not her. He also "aggressively pushed" a resident of the nursing home he briefly worked at before managing to get fired for being a retard in various ways despite his mother working there. There's posts and videos describing Nolan having his usual screaming meltdowns and mismanaging even basic jobs to the point of injury (dumbass couldn't even wash dishes without hurting himself and chimping out several times despite his supervisor showing him). Nolan being violent with other people has been a matter of opportunity, not his self-restraint. When he's been put in regular contact with other people he's shown the exact same escalation in behaviour and wild mood swings he has with his family.


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Fair but I only came by since the last time I said it when it involved me personally now that I've cut him off I should be entirely divorced from this thread with no reason to come back

I'll just say that he broke our deal, and the retard had the gall to once again question my sanity regarding the Filian drama and the things Random T had said about Filian. I told him that he sees me as delusional, conspiratorial, and Mentally unwell and he did not respond positively so I blocked and kicked him without warning this time. It's over I'm NEVER going back he is muted on X and blocked on FB and if he contacts me anywhere else the same will happen there

Enjoy your nolan watch
Be it compassion, stubborness or stupidity, you put up with it longer than I'd have the patience to. :pomuSalute: Time to sit back and enjoy the silence, dude.


God is dead. You aren't. Keep running.
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This must be the incident that @Scoots talked about. Now both of them are grooming each other in DM instead of the venting channel :RaoraMAMAMIA:

View attachment 73217
I look forward to the inevitable fallout for when this guy doesn't yes man Nolan's delusions for the first time and gets the tard rage from the top ropes. Bonus lulz awarded if I get to see this guy stuck defending himself in the public channel having to call out Nolan for being a massive spazlord.
An extra bonus of 1 million Internets applicable if they end up finding this place and learning more about what a mental case Nolan is then using it in his argument. Potential for sign up bonus of several more Internets for creating an account here because of said incident and dropping the chatlogs, or at least details of how Nolan explained the fall out with the "retard awful" conspiracy theorist ex-friend was.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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I'd say he should do more worrying. He could absolutely minimise the potential negative effects of this thread by ghosting and rebranding, but we all know he won't do that.
Oh 100% however I tried to go down the road of "stop giving them ammo" many times and it never went well so I opted to take the easier route he'd be more likely to be receptive to
I look forward to the inevitable fallout for when this guy doesn't yes man Nolan's delusions for the first time and gets the tard rage from the top ropes. Bonus lulz awarded if I get to see this guy stuck defending himself in the public channel having to call out Nolan for being a massive spazlord.
An extra bonus of 1 million Internets applicable if they end up finding this place and learning more about what a mental case Nolan is then using it in his argument. Potential for sign up bonus of several more Internets for creating an account here because of said incident and dropping the chatlogs, or at least details of how Nolan explained the fall out with the "retard awful" conspiracy theorist ex-friend was.
Honestly despite the fact I'm done with him and I failed to "fix" him I've told him before that I genuinely hope he gets the help he needs up to and including a group home and therapy. Despite all the Nolan rage I've endured I still will miss the endearingly retarded fanboy side of him and I hope (optimistic as it is) that he changes for the better. The reason why I will eventually leave this thread when the remnants of me from him are gone from it, Is because unlike you guys who enjoy laughing at his self destruction (no judgement) I personally just find it depressing to watch. So I'm not gonna. He realistically will get worse and end up in prison or a psyche ward, but again optimistic as it is I hope he reaches rock bottom and realizes he needs to climb not dig

Also speaking of his physical fights with his father and brother one things that broke my last straw was I told him if he "can't handle when I post information from sources like random T he can leave" and he compared me to his father regarding leaving his house. I told him "yes compare me to your abusive father, that'll end well" he then disputed that his father is abusive despite telling me multiple times about being hit by him. Personally from information he's told me the whole household is some flavor of mentally unwell seemingly the only one close to safe is his mother drowning her sorrows in booze and watching the house burn down around her.
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I failed to "fix" him
I'mma be real with you for a moment but you need to stop taking even 1% responsibility for this clown's behavior. I have a younger sister who's been in a monogamous relationship with a Nolan-type ever since they were in highschool, coming up on 15 years. We rented a house together for 5 years so I got to watch the abusive & controlling behaviors, just the most manipulative little wretch taking advantage of two hard-working 20-somethings too fucking tired to argue. Parasites like this need either professional psychological help or, preferably, to get kicked to the curb and forced to experience trying to survive without their victims catering to their every need.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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I'mma be real with you for a moment but you need to stop taking even 1% responsibility for this clown's behavior. I have a younger sister who's been in a monogamous relationship with a Nolan-type ever since they were in highschool, coming up on 15 years. We rented a house together for 5 years so I got to watch the abusive & controlling behaviors, just the most manipulative little wretch taking advantage of two hard-working 20-somethings too fucking tired to argue. Parasites like this need either professional psychological help or, preferably, to get kicked to the curb and forced to experience trying to survive without their victims catering to their every need.
Oh don't worry I don't blame myself at all I always considered helping him was outside my skillset however that doesn't mean I can't be a little sad that I was right. It's not blaming myself so much as it is lamenting Nolan not accepting the help he needs be it from me or whoever.

Sky Shouter

Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
Let's give what little credit to Nolan that we can: his poor behaviours have largely been confined to his home and online. If he's been a nuisance in public, I haven't heard about it on this thread. So if you met Nolan in public, I don't think you'd have to do anything unless you were deliberately trying to antagonize him, and even if Nolan did somehow become an issue through no fault of your own, the most he'd be guilty of is being a public nuisance and disturbing the peace. I don't think you really need a game plan for that.
How can Nolan be a public nuisance if he never leaves his house?

God's Strongest Dragoon

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unlike you guys who enjoy laughing at his self destruction (no judgement) I personally just find it depressing to watch
After working on the OP and seeing all his physical abuse, it's more like hatewatching more than anything else for me. My comments about him potentially killing his parents (either intentionally or unintentionally) aren't jokes, it's an actual concern. The fact that he's engaged in MULTIPLE physical altercations with his family members and then got physical with an elderly resident makes it very apparent like @Zizara mentioned: Nolan's violent behavior is not a matter of a slip of self-restraint, it's simply a matter of opportunity. Even his posts about how he interacted with coworkers shows that he can't help but escalate shit for no reason and he's eventually going to go too far, he's either going to seriously injure someone or someone won't hold back from smacking him down.

Nigel Nigerman

Choo Choo Motherfuckers!
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
After working on the OP and seeing all his physical abuse, it's more like hatewatching more than anything else for me. My comments about him potentially killing his parents (either intentionally or unintentionally) aren't jokes, it's an actual concern. The fact that he's engaged in MULTIPLE physical altercations with his family members and then got physical with an elderly resident makes it very apparent like @Zizara mentioned: Nolan's violent behavior is not a matter of a slip of self-restraint, it's simply a matter of opportunity. Even his posts about how he interacted with coworkers shows that he can't help but escalate shit for no reason and he's eventually going to go too far, he's either going to seriously injure someone or someone won't hold back from smacking him down.







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unlike you guys who enjoy laughing at his self destruction (no judgement) I personally just find it depressing to watch.
There is nothing I can say or do that would fix Nolan or improve his circumstances. Whatever I've suggested has been ignored, and I knew from the start that your friendship was made with at least a partial motive to try to fix him, and I equally knew that it was doomed to failure from the start.

With that in mind, I might as well laugh and occasionally crack a joke at Nolan repeating the same stupidity over and over and wondering why he's banned from yet another Discord or another streamer's chat.

Clown Penis

Dizzy "Elf Pride Worldwide" Dokuro
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2) Nolan fear of getting banned in the Gura Cord after the Kiara and Callie ChinkCord incidents. He could not afford to get another permanent ban in GuraCord or else he really need to go to Latino Cord to seek for shelther
Don't worry, in less than a week he will be completely in the clear and his slate clean. All those things were the doing of Past Nolan. He is Present Nolan - it's ok if he does it now.



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Don't worry, in less than a week he will be completely in the clear and his slate clean. All those things were the doing of Past Nolan. He is Present Nolan - it's ok if he does it now.

View attachment 73330
If he apologizes, that makes everything ok.



The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Honestly despite the fact I'm done with him and I failed to "fix" him I've told him before that I genuinely hope he gets the help he needs up to and including a group home and therapy. Despite all the Nolan rage I've endured I still will miss the endearingly retarded fanboy side of him and I hope (optimistic as it is) that he changes for the better. The reason why I will eventually leave this thread when the remnants of me from him are gone from it, Is because unlike you guys who enjoy laughing at his self destruction (no judgement) I personally just find it depressing to watch. So I'm not gonna. He realistically will get worse and end up in prison or a psyche ward, but again optimistic as it is I hope he reaches rock bottom and realizes he needs to climb not dig

Also speaking of his physical fights with his father and brother one things that broke my last straw was I told him if he "can't handle when I post information from sources like random T he can leave" and he compared me to his father regarding leaving his house. I told him "yes compare me to your abusive father, that'll end well" he then disputed that his father is abusive despite telling me multiple times about being hit by him. Personally from information he's told me the whole household is some flavor of mentally unwell seemingly the only one close to safe is his mother drowning her sorrows in booze and watching the house burn down around her.
Despite this outcome being predictable, and despite me being one to laugh and make fun of Nolan, I respect that you genuinely did try to be his friend and help him. You seem to have stuck it out for longer than damn near anyone in his life aside from his family, and by his own admission, they're all pretty much tired if his shit. I enjoy laughing at lolcows, but I'll almost always support one changing their lolcow ways and making positive changes to their lives. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be something Nolan is willing to do, despite there being people like you trying to help him.

Sticking it out for this long may have been a bit foolish, but you're a good dude Scoots, and Nolan didn't deserve that friendship. Hopefully, you'll have a lot less headaches to deal with moving forward.


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Kiara should've just banned & ignored.
I keep seeing him in chats now!
I saw him in the Kiara birthday streams being inane and mostly talking about himself and during a slow point in the chat during Mint/Matara podcast I saw...

...so stupidly Kiara's ban was not a permanent one and to this day he is STILL just posting pointless and inane shit that is also more about himself than the streamer.


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Joined:  Apr 14, 2023
I keep seeing him in chats now!
I saw him in the Kiara birthday streams being inane and mostly talking about himself and during a slow point in the chat during Mint/Matara podcast I saw...

...so stupidly Kiara's ban was not a permanent one and to this day he is STILL just posting pointless and inane shit that is also more about himself than the streamer.
I wonder if he's capable of understanding that he's not a participant in the stream and his absence is literally irrelevant.


God is dead. You aren't. Keep running.
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I keep seeing him in chats now!
I saw him in the Kiara birthday streams being inane and mostly talking about himself and during a slow point in the chat during Mint/Matara podcast I saw...

...so stupidly Kiara's ban was not a permanent one and to this day he is STILL just posting pointless and inane shit that is also more about himself than the streamer.
Knowing about him in the forum is a journey, knowing his existence when watching streams is a curse. You WILL basically always see his LMAOOOO sliding up the screen if chat is open in a decent sized stream, especially if it's a Karaoke or some sort of "celebration" stream. Almost inevitably. Shame the Kiara ban wasn't perm though, was funnier that way.

I wonder if he's capable of understanding that he's not a participant in the stream and his absence is literally irrelevant.
No chance. The dude has done this for ages. I always assumed it was part of why he's so spammy and desperate to be seen and get replies for his empty channel void sperging as well. He constantly has some "Sorry I'm late1 wait WHAT AYO HAHA LMAOOOO" type message when showing up to streams. He really wants to feel like he himself in particular is an integral part of the streamers experience and even the other people in chat.
It's also another reason I think he needs to get offline. It always came off as him taking it as validation to me when someone actually reads his message because irl he's just always ever so bullied for simply existing and not doing anything ever to other people frfr. Probably why he clings on to people that asspat him while anyone who doesn't immediately gets something ranging from aggressively passive aggressive to straight aggression. He will then also hold that grudge, as seen with that last discord ban he ate. Or anytime he references this place, especially a couple specific people lol
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