"Dammit I missed my opportunity to draw a dick on it!"Axel Syrios

Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023
Thank you, keep doing it. You two having lovers' quarrels every day is the only thing preventing me from being statistically the most pathetic user on this site. :smugpipi:
I personally enjoy how it's good cover for me to pointlessly antagonize others. I worry about the day the meat maniac is banned, I might have to actually supress the voices.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
That was funny lol.


A Source Filmmaker

SFM animator and Anti-Simp
Joined:  Jun 2, 2024


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Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 21, 2022
Declares war on vtubers without any sort of provocation and loses in two weeks.

I don't know if that makes him the worst leader ever, but he's got to be in the bottom ten.


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Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 21, 2022

Ralph declares war on vtubers without any sort of provocation and loses completely in two weeks.

I don't know if that makes him the worst leader ever, but he's got to be in the bottom ten.

Sky Shouter

Stupid by birth, manhera by the grace of God
Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
My opinion on this drama is that after reading through the thread on the farms I found several tumors on my back, and I'm pretty sure they're not benign. ♋

What could have been a slightly interesting crossover and lolcow discussion almost immediately devolved into shit-flinging between the "anime bad and is for pedos" crowd and our good-natured members defending vtubing as a concept in the most awkward ways possible. @thhrang , @The Proctor , @famous artist pipkun there's no point in arguing with people whose minds will never change; they're just looking for a "gotcha" on you for liking vtubers, so they and the rest of the site can dogpile you. As much as I enjoy the farms, I cannot deny there's a culture of throwing one another under the bus for clout on there.

He who fights monsters etc...and as time and time again has proven, Kiwi Farms has more than its fair share of lolcows.

Also, Kiki belongs in a straightjacket and should be banned from the internet for life. She's what happens when a mentally unwell youth gets unrestricted access to the internet. Little did Lovecraft know that his eldritch gods, whose forbidden knowledge could cause insanity, would not only become real, but also man-made.


haha it's unou
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

famous artist pipkun

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Mindflayer and Master Baiter
Joined:  Jun 5, 2023


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
t. Dude who fled the very country he's talking about for being a Radioactive Trainwreck of a person
Blud loves America so much he decided to travel to Mexico :BijouBijou:
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