I doubt it's Brave, memes aside, we would have seen the signs long ago if it was them. There would have been more collabs or interactions with V4Mirai/Idol/Globie than usual, which hasn't happened outside of the big karaoke relays and VSMP. If anything the girls have been shoring up other ex-corpo/indie contacts (e.g. Raki with Ayu and Mori, Daiya with Uta and Bossy, Kanna with Nova and Bri etc.).
My litmus test for a possible Brave acquisition would be a sudden uptick in interaction between Alias (or her alts) and Wisu/Toffee, because of the ex-Tsunderia connection, and the fact that they applied to V4Mirai and PixelLink, respectively, at around the same time. That hasn't happened either.
My hopium scenario is that Pixel dissolves as a corpo, lets the girls keep their IP, and they continue as a VTuber group a la V-Dere or Kawaii's Ephemira or Aetheria post-CyberLive