Wow, I can't believe Pippa slept through her first
Japan stream. I was
really going to get up and watch it too.
I think that in addition to lucking out in many many ways, her consistent schedual and NOT missing streams often, let her get away with it. 6 pm is Pippa time, you put on Pippa and for a couple years Pippa was always there. She's right that it does have advantages in that we can't get annoyed and not want to watch something days in advance, where a at 6 pm we turn on Pippa, we've pretty much decided to watch whatever. But if she continues to miss streams more often then this system starts to not work anymore because 6pm doesn't feel like Pippa time anymore. She has a big CCV cushion so it's fine, for now, but I do hope there's no more events for awhile so everyone cam just stream.
It's gotta suck for the singy-dancey
View attachment 75809 type vtubers who want all these events, no matter what they do they need Pippa there or nobody cares. Oh new original song ?
New 3d ? Oh yeah...... can you.... sing PIPPA THE RIPPA! It's like if you're a singer at bar and all the patrons are chanting for the waitress to get up on stage and sing, then she does and she sings twinkle twinkle little star and everyone goes crazy tipping her. It's so funny.