See, when she says "I'll stream during" I know she probably won't because I know that Pippa puts 100% of her energy into streams. Or rather that her 5 streams take up what energy she has. This means if she has to do ANYHNIG else, she probably won't stream. I can be positive and think that she's been more healthy and maybe she's doing better, but Pippa classic is weak and has no energy to spare.The real danger imo is that she's been burning through a lot of the good will and patience that those consistent years earned her. People already put up with dumb shit from her from time to time cause she's Pippa and she was always pretty consistent. But this year alone we've gone from the empty promises made before the move about how these sorts of trips would either be streamed during or have some sort of content come out of them other than a handful of stories, to 3 trips and breaks within the last few months and almost nothing to show for them save those same stories. If you looked at this year from an outsiders perspective without the investment people have in her, its not a good look and even her more patent fans are seeming to get a bit annoyed with the whole no show song and dance.
Obviously Sakana wants to grow Phase's brand and value and he needs Pippa to do it. But the sad truth is, for stream viewers Phase is already almost perfect as it is. It doesn't need to be bigger, with the exception of the smallest talents needing some help still.