"You know you are in South East Asia when you have the following: dogs barking in the background, a TV open because a family member is watching, bunch of banana and mangoes, palm trees, coconuts... motorcycle noises outside, do you guys have flying cockroaches too?"Millie Parfait
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I wish I'd taken a picture of it but I didn't so you'll have to take my word for it. I stopped for gas this morning and saw Thhrang and Reticule behind a dumpster doing unspeakable things to each other. They ran off inbetween the time I saw it and the time it took to pull out my phone.
So those two disheveled fags I nearly hit after they darted out into traffic in the midst of a thunderstorm this morning on the way to work.. so close to solving the Jewish Question.
Some info on the slime VR trackers Pippa was talking about. These aren't jank at all, and only come out to a little over $200 for a full body kit (7 trackers).
If you cannot put components together they have kits too for a slight upcharge, but it's still cheaper than anywhere else.
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