Just watch this Ka-Ching episode, Airi and Clara kind of get into a debate that really just oozes their beliefs/politics. Airi at one point said it wasn't realistic, and Clara immediately went on with something like, "Oh so you think it's human nature and normal for people to step on others as long as they get ahead, oh you're siding with big corps." There were some other moments.
That movie is so fucking stupid and Clara has way too much too say about it. I though it would be a fun date movie and it's boring and annoying. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks STILL OWE ME SEX for ruining my date! I've been holding this grudge a long time. But no Clara, a man shouldn't buy a woman a book store just because he likes her.
Clara's also a retard because anyone with in-depth knowledge of history and different cultures knows that humans ARE self-centered pieces of shit who step on others to get ahead by nature. Fun example: if you look at what's left of the Maya civilization during the Classical Era-which grew and fell completely independent of Western culture and influence-there were a bunch of asshole nobles who started wars with each other, competed over resources, and killed poor people and their political enemies for ritualistic gain. In fact, there hasn't been a large group of people anytime or place in the entire world who didn't invent a way to create status and hold power over one another.
And Clara's ilk always seem to take that knowledge as a kind of excuse, a way to say "well everyone else does it so I'm going to do it." Which is obviously retarded. Just because it's in a dog's nature to eat shit, doesn't mean every dog will do it in every circumstance, and doesn't mean you WANT your dog to eat shit. But it DOES mean that if you leave ten random dogs in a room alone with each other for long enough, there's
going to be shit getting eaten, and you need to be prepared for that eventuality. You can't form a magic world-view out of fairies and pixie-dust based purely on the idea that dogs enjoy fine dining above all else.
Can you tell I've had this exact "discussion" with people IRL before?
Also to be more on topic, Stellaris for the Pippa batsu. This is the only time we'll be able to get her to do it, and it is much more similar to Civ than anything else sci-fi, or any other Paradox game for that matter. I think she'd unironically enjoy the gameplay if she could pull her head out of her ass enough to get past the setting.
All the degenerates will probably try to get her to post armpits or something though