For every japanese youtube viewer, there are roughly twenty not-japanese. Japanese content is less than 5% of the market while english is more than 60%.Since the direction of the conversation is going towards the JP side of PC, what seems to be holding JP Origins from achieving comparable viewership numbers as EN talents? Is it Japanese market saturation? Lack of support from management? Lack of menhera?
I'll admit I'm not a Japanese speaker, but since learning about PC it sort of saddened me how far behind JP PC girls are compared to EN girls in terms of viewership.
The current state of the audience of the JP trio is a handful of loyal JP oldfriends that have been around since near debut that you might recognize if you've been watching streams long enough, and then at least a hundred EOPs, some using machine TL to chat. Autosubs helps a lot with chat engagement, and Nasa and Michiru don't talk about complicated topics anyways, so they aren't missing that much.
My estimate from like count on member videos is that the JP trio each have more than 400 memberships which is generously about $1000 USD a month after youtube and fishman tax (assuming fish takes 0.5x which seems rather high). This is actually very good money by JP standards. They also get much more superchats than your average JP vtuber of similar size because of the strong superchatting culture of Phase watchers.
Compared to other medium sized corpos, Origin JP is doing really well in terms of finances and raw numbers, but has very low growth in JP viewers. There seems to be more JPs than what chat would suggest though, given how many people showed up to the first JP event in Shibuya last month just to meet a company that has never promoted itself in Japan.
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