"When I was younger, I actually thought fedoras were super cool. I had a few and would wear them everywhere. At least, until they became the 'reddit guy's' thing and ruined it"Mysta Rias

Nijisanji L Collection


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
Been preaching gray since day one. I never once thought that anyone involved knowingly lied about anything, especially if we only look at the VTubers, which is why I was never behind the vitriol thrown at the remaining Nijisanji Livers. I think even in the black screen stream, with the information they had in front of them and the image had they built of Selen's character, they believed everything they said.
Even if this woman is truly hard to work with i think she didnt deserve everything they shooted at her
Anything after the Termination letter is vile and whoever you think is at fault (Managment,Livers or one magic guy who takes all the blame so you arent forced to choose between the two previous options) deserves at minimun some kind of criticism


Certified Autist
Joined:  Nov 21, 2023
All this tells me is that Niji needs to "git gud" and actually manage their talents, rather than throwing a hissyfit because one of their employees is a bit too good at her job.


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Ok, so I'm going to repost part of my rambling liveposting thread reaction to Doki's emotional support stream here, because I legitimately think this illuminates a lot of what went wrong for her in Niji.

To elaborate a little more: I think Doki is probably very very hard to work with, especially for younger people who have issues keeping their room clean, much less running intricate projects or collaborations. Doki is a co-worker who gets frustrated when people can't keep up with her pace, is what it's starting to seem like. I would go so far as to say that Doki may have been the worst possible fit for Nijisanji as a company. Niji tends to recruit people who just want to stream without extra baggage, and they obviously do not tolerate projects that go over budget. Doki needs a manager capable of reining her in and middle-manning day to day stuff for her, and I think she probably gets along much better with other people who take their work very seriously. I'm not sure if her and Kiara would get along famously or hate each other's guts, but they seem very similar.
That was my immediate reaction upon listening to that part of the stream too. "Oh god, no wonder she didn't fit in Nijisanji. She had EXPECTATIONS. And there's no goddamn way the regular streamers, nor the managers, worked at a reasonable enough pace for her since they were all shit and slow by all accounts".

She seems like the person when the slackers fuck up their part of the group project she tells them to eat a dick and just fucking finish the goddamn job.

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
I can sorta get that from Elira and Ike but i couldnt believe Vox was at all honest with what he said in the black screen stream, he outright said there was no favoritism and tried painting himself as someone who was bewildered by Selen's actions when they seemed a bit shortsighted but not particularly egregious, Vox's smug chuckles just betray any sort of benefit of the doubt towards his character, at best he sounds condescending of Selen's failings and at worst he is smugly chuckling at how she was retarded
Before the black screen I assumed Vox was... well he's an idiot pandering to fujos and then getting depressed about it, but he didn't seem like a bad guy.


Well-known member
Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
I can sorta get that from Elira and Ike but i couldnt believe Vox was at all honest with what he said in the black screen stream, he outright said there was no favoritism and tried painting himself as someone who was bewildered by Selen's actions when they seemed a bit shortsighted but not particularly egregious, Vox's smug chuckles just betray any sort of benefit of the doubt towards his character
People are inevitably going to have a warped perception of their own work compared to their colleagues. They have no direct insight into what goes on between some other liver and management and they probably only catch wind of the unusual. Who knows, maybe he heard of a string of altercations with management by Selen and thought "How can there be favouritism when it took you saying people should illegally upload the cover for you to finally get suspended".
All I'm saying is that no liver has a birds eye view. They're looking at newspaper cut-outs and depending on how you arrange them they could say wildly different things believing them to be true. No one had to knowingly lie for this to happen.

Edit: To lighten the mood a little, check out reddit doing what reddit does best. Making shit the fuck up!
Screenshot 2024-06-23 043307.png

Superduper Samurai

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Who knows, maybe he heard of a string of altercations with management by Selen and thought "How can there be favouritism when it took you saying people should illegally upload the cover for you to finally get suspended".
All I'm saying is that no liver has a birds eye view. They're looking at newspaper cut-outs and depending on how you arrange them they could say wildly different things believing them to be true. No one had to knowingly lie for this to happen.
I feel like he would have a better point about that if he himself didnt mention that she brought up probably one of the more public and less nebulous cases of favoritsm with the AR live tweet, obviosuly, a snide tweet is not on par with telling people to reupload a cover after possibly trying to neck yourself, but i cant help but feel like him outright saying he got told that was let go just to not cause a public outrage is telling, considering they could've done the same to Selen, since the chief excuse that the public had gotten was her somehow not having perms to show an IP they fully own as a company

Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
Edit: Wrong post quoted FUCK
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Well-known member
Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
Are you sure this is the hill you want to die on?
That makes look both Livers and Managment like shit because they are working TOGETHER but cant be bothered to check out their colleagues/or/and the people they are managing ??????
I find it incredibly difficult trying to parse your sentence.
Whatever you're trying to say, I disagree.

Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
I find it incredibly difficult trying to parse your sentence.
Whatever you're trying to say, I disagree.
I didnt want to quote your post HomoFaggot Scuddle sorry


Well-known member
Joined:  Jan 26, 2024
All this tells me is that Niji needs to "git gud" and actually manage their talents, rather than throwing a hissyfit because one of their employees is a bit too good at her job.
Well, yeah, but that's hardly news. The company that doesn't hire many management and keeps running into incredibly retarded and completely preventable dramas needs to fix the way they run things? No cap?

Before the black screen I assumed Vox was... well he's an idiot pandering to fujos and then getting depressed about it, but he didn't seem like a bad guy.
He seems like every lazy white dude, just tries to pretend like anything bad that happens is completely out of his control and can't be helped. When, if he'd instead borrowed his balls back from his fujo fanbase for a second and spoken up, fucken', at all, a bunch of retarded drama probably could have been avoided.

Acting like he's just a well-meaning idiot who didn't realize how problematic he was being is Stupid White Fuckboy apologism.

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
Acting like he's just a well-meaning idiot who didn't realize how problematic he was being is Stupid White Fuckboy apologism.
When I called him an idiot, I mean he's an idiot. I don't mean to say "ahhh come on, he's just a little guy!"


Well-known member
Joined:  Jan 26, 2024
When I called him an idiot, I mean he's an idiot. I don't mean to say "ahhh come on, he's just a little guy!"
O sorry. I think I have just a lil too much of a hate-boner for Vox specifically, lol

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Been preaching gray since day one. I never once thought that anyone involved knowingly lied about anything, especially if we only look at the VTubers, which is why I was never behind the vitriol thrown at the remaining Nijisanji Livers. I think even in the black screen stream, with the information they had in front of them and the image had they built of Selen's character, they believed everything they said.
It doesn't matter if they knowingly lied or not. Nijisanji brought unnecessary details all to light. Elira, Vox, and Ike willingly went on screen to attempt a direct character assassination when Doki had no intention of naming names. They brought it all on themselves.

Frankly, as for the hard to work with thing, is she really that hard, or is Nijisanji's management just utterly useless? Remember that Team Snakebite Apex tournament? That was a large undertaking and apparently it was mainly handled by the Holo side, specifically the StarsEN team. To me, it just sounds like Nijisanji is a worthless corporation who just wants to rake in all the rewards with minimal effort and low standards.

In the same stream, she said her project team thought they could make it in time, they didn't, and told her 10 minutes before go time that they couldn't make it in time. Sounds like everyone is to blame here.

Also, if she were apparently so miserable to work with, people wouldn't be falling over themselves to work with her. Honestly just sounds to me like Nijisanji is just filled with ambitionless people, where other organizations would at least try and make shit work, no one bothered to in Nijisanji and their skeleton-crew, revolving door of management.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
To elaborate a little more: I think Doki is probably very very hard to work with, especially for younger people who have issues keeping their room clean, much less running intricate projects or collaborations. Doki is a co-worker who gets frustrated when people can't keep up with her pace, is what it's starting to seem like. I would go so far as to say that Doki may have been the worst possible fit for Nijisanji as a company. Niji tends to recruit people who just want to stream without extra baggage, and they obviously do not tolerate projects that go over budget. Doki needs a manager capable of reining her in and middle-manning day to day stuff for her, and I think she probably gets along much better with other people who take their work very seriously. I'm not sure if her and Kiara would get along famously or hate each other's guts, but they seem very similar.
This just makes anyone who had problems with her in Niji look worse in my opinion.

From personal experience, being "hard to work with" usually means you're the only one who gives a shit. Far too many people will want to be in on a project so they can get the high from being part of something, without pulling their weight to help get it there. They will offer a fair-weather commitment where they work at a snail's pace, and if someone else in the room decides to pick up the slack on their behalf, that person will be accused of micromanagement/being controlling etc..

I could absolutely see the useless ESL managers and the less-enthused livers acting like that, it fits in perfectly with everything we learnt about the company culture earlier in the year.


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
So this is why they are still in niji...
I can't imagine it going well, there gonna be at least one guy yelling "claude go fuck yourself ya button cuck"
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cazlg com

New member
Joined:  Apr 13, 2024
I can't imagine it going well, there gonna be at least one guy yelling "claude go fuck yourself ya button cuck"

Couldn't they just fucking ask not to attend?


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Joined:  Mar 1, 2023
"Hard to work with" also known as "she told me I am dragging everyone behind and irresponsible for failing deadlines, and I can't believe she willingly hurt my feeling this way, couldn't she understand that reading BL fanfics 14 hours a day is required for me to maintain my mental wellbeing, what a fucking bitch I hope she kills herself"


Well-known member
Joined:  Feb 1, 2024
"Hard to work with" also known as "she told me I am dragging everyone behind and irresponsible for failing deadlines, and I can't believe she willingly hurt my feeling this way, couldn't she understand that reading BL fanfics 14 hours a day is required for me to maintain my mental wellbeing, what a fucking bitch I hope she kills herself"
Nah bro, do you know anyone with BPD in real life? They can be quite a handful. I can't imagine working with one to be easy, especially in an unsupportive environment like Nijisanji.

(I'm assuming that she does have borderline disorder and that's it's not just a rrat)

Here's a selection of symptoms from this page:
> A pattern of unstable, intense relationships, such as believing someone is perfect one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn't care enough or is cruel.
> Periods of stress-related paranoia and loss of contact with reality
> Inappropriate, strong anger, such as losing your temper often, being sarcastic or bitter
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Well-known member
Joined:  Mar 1, 2023
Here's aselection of symptoms from this page:
> A pattern of unstable, intense relationships, such as believing someone is perfect one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn't care enough or is cruel.
> Periods of stress-related paranoia and loss of contact with reality
> Inappropriate, strong anger, such as losing your temper often, being sarcastic or bitter
...so a regular woman?

Zyklon Mag

Well-known member
Joined:  Sep 14, 2023
So this is why they are still in niji...
I can't imagine it going well, there gonna be at least one guy yelling "claude go fuck yourself ya button cuck"

Watch as Holostars (ARMIS edition) gets announced at AI Pheonix and sells out their M&G tickets within 5 minutes while con staff are still trying to sell the Niji M&Gs on D2 like last time :Vesper-UNHINGED:
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