"No please! Don't cry! You can laugh at my drawings but don't cry! Does it scare you?"Meloco Kyoran

Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

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Fresh Doki tweet

She seemed genuinely distraught yesterday during the start of her apex stream. I'm expecting the antis at /vt/ to flood with messages about how she's playing it all up due to her BPD. We'll just have to see how it turns out in today's stream.

Superduper Samurai

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I was ready to move on, I had made my last statement and I haven’t looked at anything regarding my past for a full week. I didn’t look at anything regarding legal documents or anything regarding my situation since I moved back to Doki. I wanted to be hopeful for the future and never interact with that side again. So to see it all come back and reopen a wound that I was ready to heal from and to have to talk to my lawyer again on how to respond.

The document mentioned was at first made to document my thoughts and history with evidence so that my lawyer can see the general picture of what was going on, and if there were issues that should be addressed. It was first made during my darkest time mentally and I wrote everything on my mind little by little at that time. I made the document thinking that it was never going to be public to anyone but to my lawyer. Although it was a document filled with my personal information as well privacy information that should not be public, there were no other addresses or specific locations mentioned. Regarding a recording, this was not intended to be anything other than a distribution test for planning of a collaborative event between two people, which happened to be left over from one test recording, and I never recorded any other conversations with anyone. The recording was never shown anywhere even in a legal setting and there are no other records. However, I regret that it was mentioned and I am sorry to all parties affected for the misunderstanding in this.

I requested that I just wanted to move on. Sometimes I didn’t hear anything for days from the lawyers on the other side and felt like I’d be alone and isolated for a long time. It made it so hard for me mentally. On Feb 5th, my lawyer discussed and said it will be best to show the document I wrote to the other lawyers as we have not heard from them for a week or any negotiation talks or given a meeting to discuss after my request to part. It was never intended to be used for anything else, I’ve asked my lawyer to convey that and have communication that the document as it was written wasn’t going to be released anywhere, and my lawyer did so when sending the document. Less than two hours after my lawyer sent the document, the termination notice came out. I was very shocked, but thought that was the last time I will hear or think about the document and that this, personally and my own opinion, was the end of the lawyers and legal involvement.

All of the communication was done between lawyers in Japanese. Things are not black and white and everything gets more complicated and muddled when lawyers are involved in a different country. When things are conveyed to multiple parties through different degrees of communication, everything turns into different narratives and different translations. I thought it was over and I've accepted what happened and ready to move on. Everything I post to the public about the situation was a response. If it was a month ago, it will have been different as I was angry but I was also very alone in my head. But it's not a month ago and I've accepted it. I wanted it to be neutral and private but now the whole world is involved and the public is watching every step that happens.

I am not perfect and I have faults. I had to watch my dad cry and break down in front of me for the first time in my life last night. Despite everything that has happened, please show kindness to all parties involved, there are real people behind the monitors. One of the reasons why I wanted this to be private is that the internet can be a cruel place and I knew this would happen the moment this type of notice drops. What I didn't reveal to anyone and only my parents and therapist knew was that it was not one attempt but two, which happened a few weeks after the first. My parents found me in time after searching for me for hours before anything happened. I was in a really dark place and I do not wish this to anyone. No one should go through what I went through. I reveal this now not for pity but to state that no life, no matter what, should be risked for ego or winning anything. There are no winners in this. Please don't make it like high school. Treat everyone like adults and with some empathy and kindness.

For those who wish to see receipts or documents or anything else, hoping I will reveal them, I'm sorry but these are the things that should be private and if needed, between lawyers. Revealing private documents and talking about the details within will only just make things worse and more complicated as outside parties get involved and will just hurt everyone. No one deserves to be pushed over the edge. So many people have got hurt and involved even if they were innocent bystanders. In the end, I will always be here to respond and that is the only thing I will do in public. I hope this will be the last statement I have to make.
I remember thinking that her termination notice seemed to quote legalese when talking about her wishes

Seems like i was somewhat right
Protracted legal autism over the pond was going to be difficult so no wonder it was dropped right away


Joined:  Sep 12, 2022

Fresh Doki tweet

Less than two hours after my lawyer sent the document, the termination notice came out.
Well at least our "this shit was banged out very quickly and angrily by someone panicking" rrats about the notice are probably true.

The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
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No seriously. It sounds like they actually sent the document to Nijisanji and requested they don't share it at the same time.
I wonder if the doc contains stuff that in Canadian law is automatically assumed to not share around, especially when requested not to, but in JP law it isn't.

Superduper Samurai

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Well at least our "this shit was banged out very quickly and angrily by someone panicking" rrats about the notice are probably true.
I doubt it was made with that amount of spite
If anything it was shit timing by accident on Selen's legal team, i honestly think most of these documents are written some amount of time in advance


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So, bets on how Niji fucks this one up?
Pretty sure the KuroEN team will write a quick 15 mins responses and stream it tomorrow, throwing more 'evidences' at DokiBird, and make doki to attempt third time.

Elira, Millie, and Enna: third time is a charm, right? :kurosanji:

The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
Joined:  Dec 14, 2023
Well at least our "this shit was banged out very quickly and angrily by someone panicking" rrats about the notice are probably true.
Or they were already planning to sack her that day and hadn't checked their emails, yet. They were already ghosting her, according to her.


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Well I'm out of NijiEN, I won't acknowledge them in any way, That's the most kindness they will see out of me.

Jean Valjean

Brimming with salt
Joined:  Feb 22, 2023

This is the sole other instance of two-letter "ok" she has done in her membership posts, making two total. There are three instances of "oki" and two of "okie" (both in the same post) to two "ok".

In her public community posts, she has posted four instances of two-letter "ok", three from ten months ago and one from a year ago.





In her public community tab, there are two instances of "okie" and also two of "oki".

In total, six instances of "ok" (mostly old), five instances of "oki" and four of "okie". Purely numerically, she has said "ok" the most, but "okie" and "oki" more recently. The habit seems to be relatively new.

The autistic things we do for the asylum, I fucking swear. My browser crashed on me a couple times, too.


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Joined:  Jan 3, 2023
At this point I've given up giving a shit about what Niji does from here on. I hope the livers that I like are able to get the fuck out and go somewhere they can be safe and happy. Same with Doki, I hope she can stop having to deal with the bullshit and can pursue all the ideas she's passionate about.


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
"that it was not one attempt but two"

Shit, there were TWO suicide attempts? Or am I reading this wrong?


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Joined:  May 10, 2023
"that it was not one attempt but two"

Shit, there were TWO suicide attempts? Or am I reading this wrong?
Reading it right.

Wonder if NDF will say that that is just her pity-baiting.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
jesus fucking christ two attempts

fucking hell


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Tbh this only reinforces my hateboner for Elira may she die with a heroin needle stuck in her hand while getting banged by a hobo behind Arby's


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Twin Adder

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Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
View attachment 63817
This is the sole other instance of two-letter "ok" she has done in her membership posts, making two total. There are three instances of "oki" and two of "okie" (both in the same post) to two "ok".

In her public community posts, she has posted four instances of two-letter "ok", three from ten months ago and one from a year ago.

In her public community tab, there are two instances of "okie" and also two of "oki".

In total, six instances of "ok" (mostly old), five instances of "oki" and four of "okie". Purely numerically, she has said "ok" the most, but "okie" and "oki" more recently. The habit seems to be relatively new.

The autistic things we do for the asylum, I fucking swear. My browser crashed on me a couple times, too.
So she picked up the habit of using "oki" / "okie" but because the member's post is serious she didn't this time and just used "ok". Still though this is fucking hilarious I NEED MORE LET THEM BREED :cursedbae::cursedbae::cursedbae::cursedbae:

The Proctor

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If Nijisanji doesn't issue a formal apology for their treatment of her, they're doomed. It's that simple. They now have a woman claiming she tried to kill herself due to the stress they inflicted on her, not once but TWICE.

This is company-destroying. Anyone who willingly stays aboard this sinking ship and toes the party line is doomed. There's no coming back from this.

Again, even if Dokibird is somehow lying about all this the best PR move would still be an abject, grovelling apology and total retraction of all claims/threats/etc.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
I knew this was going to occur

Despite everything that has happened, please show kindness to all parties involved, there are real people behind the monitors. One of the reasons why I wanted this to be private is that the internet can be a cruel place and I knew this would happen the moment this type of notice drops.

Literal seconds later in /vt/: Enna you are going to prison, Enna kys, etc.

Superduper Samurai

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Also interesting to note that she apparently didnt willingly record her convo with Vox out of just wanting to record him but because it was a test recording of some kind
Which means he was stupid enough to brag about getting away with the "covid" tweet during a test recording thats implied to be saved for checking audio levels or what have you. Or she just kept the recording going after doing a test
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