So, TLDW on JP laws from Andrew: it's all the same as CA. Doki is unquestionably employee, her privacy rights were unquestionably violated, and as she is employee - her contract was terminated illegally, among other things. And niji possibly never had any IP claims on the MV to boot.
So, TLDW on JP laws from Andrew: it's all the same as CA. Doki is unquestionably employee, her privacy rights were unquestionably violated, and as she is employee - her contract was terminated illegally, among other things. And niji possibly never had any IP claims on the MV to boot.
So, TLDW on JP laws from Andrew: it's all the same as CA. Doki is unquestionably employee, her privacy rights were unquestionably violated, and as she is employee - her contract was terminated illegally, among other things. And niji possibly never had any IP claims on the MV to boot.
But audio is not niji IP, and can't be. Art part is total clusterfuck though, becasue a hunderd of artists own copyrights on it too. And then a factor of original publisher (which is for all intents an purposes is a person, not company).
I'm going to timestamp his fourth stream with the defamation laws, copyright laws and labor laws. That kurosanji might be breaking JP laws as well if that's something of interest.
But audio is not niji IP, and can't be. Art part is total clusterfuck though, becasue a hunderd of artists own copyrights on it too. And then a factor of original publisher (which is for all intents an purposes is a person, not company).
I'm referring to the Nijisanji characters (Selen, Pomu, Nina, etc.) Those are property of Any Color.
Alongside that, what was the contract? Was it like how software corporations often make it so any code you write belongs to them? If Selen (and even more specifically, as Selen) produces a song, does it automatically belong to Any Color?
I'm referring to the Nijisanji characters (Selen, Pomu, Nina, etc.) Those are property of Any Color.
Alongside that, what was the contract? Was it like how software corporations often make it so any code you write belongs to them? If Selen (and even more specifically, as Selen) produces a song, does it automatically belong to Any Color?
i think one of their music based chuubas quit because she didnt get any ownership of music produced while under Niji, but i think that seems to be standard with Chuuba companies
So start of Andrews stream today, after his superchat reading. @famous artist pipkun hey guess what Japan has a very similar privacy protection to PEPETA, they even reference it in the law to make it that similar. Even worse the Japanese law protects privacy cross boarders.
Also Andrew has a react if pekora saying fucking monkey. I hope he uses that for @The Nousagi tomorrow when he covers wactor.
I'm referring to the Nijisanji characters (Selen, Pomu, Nina, etc.) Those are property of Any Color.
Alongside that, what was the contract? Was it like how software corporations often make it so any code you write belongs to them? If Selen (and even more specifically, as Selen) produces a song, does it automatically belong to Any Color?
Most likely, but this is not necessarily clear-cut situation. MV is joint project that was worked on by many people that have no work contracts with tardsanji, only dubious NDA. Video editor have no less of copyright stake in it, than Niji, Doki or Lilypichu. So no, niji copyright is not absolute. Nor "any code you write" is absolute.
i.e. if law of your country state that copyright ultimately belongs to author and can't be ceded at all (only exclusive rights to use can be traded) - then contract clause will be invalid.
Oh, and very important parts: making MVs is not obligatory part of the contract and Doki was not compensated for MV. So yeah, terminating contract for publishing it is probably ok, but if Doki decided to republish it herself now - niji will have reaaaaally hard time proving the copyright claims. And this is also why they can't actually copystrike reuploads - they have no proof of ownership.
this is weeb wars for vtubers, this is what made rackets famous. are work communications private? is selen an idol? none of this brought up. Good for legal eagle, grifting the anti niji crowd for fast cash, hope he doesnt drink himself retarded.
whats the case law for the "liking a tweet isnt defamatory" shit? westlaw japan case id: 2014WLJPCA03208009
this is weeb wars for vtubers, this is what made rackets famous. are work communications private? is selen an idol? none of this brought up. Good for legal eagle, grifting the anti niji crowd for fast cash, hope he doesnt drink himself retarded.
whats the case law for the "liking a tweet isnt defamatory" shit? westlaw japan case id: 2014WLJPCA03208009
Like I get people don't want to sit through his because he breaks up reading things with the super chats. Are we seriously though just going to dismiss everything because we want to hear it from the baldo, who in his own words before doesn't research shit.
It does not specify, thus all communications are private. Further, it doesn't limit it to 2 people, any small enough group considered as private conversation. How small is small, is for judge to decide case-by-case i guess.
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