"When I was a very young girl, I used to visit my grandma a lot. I was hoping she'd show me magical girl stuff, she said she'd show me something kid-friendly, it turned out to be Cutie Honey. In Cutie Honey, she would get undressed and tied up all the time, and that's how my sexual fetishes were awoken. Do you know Hutch the Honeybee? I thought it was cute how people fell into despair. Cutie Honey and Hutch planted the seeds, and my sexual fetishes began to distort, and then I became friends with a hardcore fujoshi. The things she recommended me turned me into a bigger freak than before. When I was a young kid, I couldn't understand dirty jokes, so my grandma would explain them to me, step by step. 'You know, the boys have this... but the girls have that' lol."Sakamata Chloe
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My good sir, I say this politely but I have tolerated your filth before but this is far too scandalous an allegation that I demand you cease it at once!
This shit is going to launch and not have dedicated servers just to annoy the shit out of me. @MythicalSloth PC has too many girls now. Its time to cull the disloyal ones.
This shit is going to launch and not have dedicated servers just to annoy the shit out of me. @MythicalSloth PC has too many girls now. Its time to cull the disloyal ones.
Wouldent be surprised, craft was p2p iirc and I think an anon on pcg was looking into a host already.
E: Something tells me I now know who that anon was.
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