"I am a proud vtuber, representative of Sneed's Feed & Seed. Please go to your local Sneed's Feed & Seed today, and purchase their fine... sneed... and feed."Nyaru
Users who would like to be able to add to the Threadmark system (as in Threadmark any post in a thread) should @ me in the Forum Discussion thread or send me a DM. I will be assigning these privelges individually to those who request it.
Any content that does not fall into any of the above categories can be discussed in the General Thread as usual. Users are now allowed to create new threads on companies and individual vtubers if they so desire, which can be approved by moderators.
Not what I mean. Yeah, vermintide and fags grooming kids has been a thing for a lot longer than that, but I'm talking about how massive it became right after that and being trans became a desirable "protected class" for lonely middle class white kids.
Proctor told me I'd need to donate $1000 to get forum signatures here.
Frankly, I would like the forum to be a bit more special and tricked out than it is right now, but we don't even have Fucking YTs to do the fun CSS stuff anyway.
I swear if we ever get a signature function here and I have to scroll past a list of a user's ships and a banner linking to their Sonic fansite after every post I am fucking leaving.
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