They're trying their best not to, investing in making artificial wombs so they can grow clones of themselves to transfer into. I guarantee that some politician is gonna try it to have a 160 year term.
Anyone have any ideas about the kinds of things CinnamonToastKen says in regards to politics that Pippa might find objectionable? I'm curious but I don't watch that dude's shit.
Today on Twitter he tried to justify the killing of a white guy by a pack of nogs because he might have sprayed a squirt gun at them. Mr Tim should buy a rope
E: thread
Anyone have any ideas about the kinds of things CinnamonToastKen says in regards to politics that Pippa might find objectionable? I'm curious but I don't watch that dude's shit.
Just searched his name plus Trump and first result was a video where he opens up calling out anyone voting for him as being "a senile old white man or just a fucking idiot" and calling his rallies "white supremacy meetings"
Just searched his name plus Trump and first result was a video where he opens up calling out anyone voting for him as being "a senile old white man or just a fucking idiot" and calling his rallies "white supremacy meetings"
Anyone have any ideas about the kinds of things CinnamonToastKen says in regards to politics that Pippa might find objectionable? I'm curious but I don't watch that dude's shit.
From what I can find he's lived in LA and now Australia, two pinnacles of good philosophy, and definitely not home to overly neurotic individuals.
e. I see I am late due to the site loading, thanks Proctor.
Just searched his name plus Trump and first result was a video where he opens up calling out anyone voting for him as being "a senile old white man or just a fucking idiot" and calling his rallies "white supremacy meetings"
Just searched his name plus Trump and first result was a video where he opens up calling out anyone voting for him as being "a senile old white man or just a fucking idiot" and calling his rallies "white supremacy meetings"
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