"If you have a big nose, you're going to be rich"Jelly Hoshiumi

Idol Corp - Sniffing out the most golden and smoky controversies in the vtubing industry.

Stunned's Links to Past Idol Events
  • Stunned But Dumb

    Well-known member
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    So I thought about how and if I should do this because it kind of seems like an Idol Anti Post, but I assure you it's not. I enjoy several of the Idol talents and while I have obvious suspicions and frustrations with how Idol management and leadership tends to conduct itself (both because of the consequences it has for the vtubing industry in general and for the innocent talents under them), I am simply too busy with real life and the content I enjoy to ever anti anything. I just like a full (or as full as possible) story to be told. I thought it a good idea to track down and include some important statements and events from Idol's two years in this industry that are easily forgotten or missed along with a few things I myself thought were interesting.

    Uh... Yeah Thanks @Empty_Inbox as your summaries being super easy to read through and collect made this way easier to track down. All links lead back to the forum unless I say otherwise or is obvious. Can't archive right now, but I'll come back to this later. Oh and in case you may have said something that turned out to be proven wrong, don't take it so hard. This isn't an "I told you so" post, we all bet on the wrong anime wahmen sometimes.

    Also check out:
    The Riro Ron Thread
    The Pochi Call Out (and separation) Thread

    Brave Group Partnership (You may not agree on if this is good or bad, but it is inarguably controversial) Thanks for the correction @The Rrat

    A Previous issue with an artist where the artist was outright in the wrong
    Full summary and write up

    An old, researched write up on Aviel

    LegaMindset teaming up with Aviel to enhance and later release Talent contracts

    The LegalMindset stream where he announced he would be doing so

    Yuko Graduation (I thought there was a thread on her? With how much went down...)

    Idol Clipper issues

    Interesting tweets from Aviel
    Tweet 2
    Tweet 3
    Tweet 3
    Tweet 4
    Tweet 5

    I feel like there's a couple I missed? Can't recall and staring at the virtual asylum for this long while having a Lia vod going in the background in a hot room has probably not been well for my mental health, so I'll stop for now.
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    Ruby Runeheart (IdolES) QRTs Rin
  • Void Scribas

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    Ruby asking spanish artists that worked with Idol to talk to her if they are having the same problem.

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    Rin Penrose Explains why she's going Indie
  • Shuba

    Early Adopter
    Gods Strongest Subatomo
    Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
    Rin's announcement video summary:
    • Restated the announcement, graduating November 24th.
    • Complimented Brave on letting the girls keep their IPs with no charge.
    • Actually submitted her graduation back in June before the Brave acquisition.
    • Was having problems with Idol for a year or so.
    • Stayed because she didn't want to leave her channel (and 700k subs) behind, but even that wasn't enough by that point
    • No issue with talents or management, had multiple talks with talents about how to move forward
    • Especially shouted out Lani, the current Talent Manager of Idol
    • Her main issues were with how Idol was handled BEFORE Brave came in
    • Will still be working with Brave until graduation and looking forward to it.
    • If the acquisition happened sooner, she maybe would have stayed.
    • Realized she's just not cut out for any agency cause of multiple reasons. Stuff like how she prefers to keep to herself more often and how the "adult" side of the industry got to her mental
    • Will be an indie with a personal manager. Doesn't have a manager yet but she'll be looking.
    • Spoke highly of Idol and vtuber agencies and still sticks by those points. Even recommended Idol or V4Mirai if you think about applying to a corpo
    • Not sure what she plans to do after November but she won't be graduating.
    • No collab ban between talents that leave and talents that stay
    • Happy with the connections she's made, how her perspective has changed and her numbers over these 2 years, so she is grateful to Idol.
    Just realized ALL of EN Gen 1 has left and Nikki is the only one remaining from the HE girls. Jesus christ.

    Edit: From the stream happening now. I'll edit as it goes along:

    • She specified that it was a lot of small issues that built up over the course of her time in Idol.
    • These issues really ramped up at the beginning of this year, but it wasn't any one problem that really pushed her to make her choice.
    • The Brave acquisition would actually have fixed all the issues she had but she made her decision by that point.
    • Most of her fans guessed she would have stayed from how much she complimented Brave. She was just laughing at them for the past week.
    • Not sure about her clip channel as it was something that belonged to Idol. Thinks she'll be able to keep it but paying for it out of pocket might be a struggle.
    • Taking advantage of her contract lasting until November. Went to Lani and requested a bunch of covers. All of them got approved cause Brave budget.
    • Has no plans to go corpo again any time soon but if she did, she would likely go to Brave again.
    • She does want to get 3D at some point but it's not a priority now.
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    Taiga Recaps Idol & Brave (ES)
  • Void Scribas

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    Taiga doing an historical recap of Idol and Brave, she is going deeper that any of the other ES girls about the details of the corporations.

    Edit: lol, it really fells like a mom giving you a talk. No wonder they call her the mom of Eternals.

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    Momo Otako Rebrands her Persona
  • NotDecatto

    Joined:  Oct 21, 2023
    Cross posting from the General Thread:

    Idol Corp’s Twitter account has posted this message from Momo Otako. She’s retiring the persona, specifically saying it’s not a graduation. I’m assuming a rebrand under a new name and model perhaps.

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    Aviel's LinkedIn Confirms a Planned Exit
  • Murrayしないで

    I'll see the truth, m'lady
    Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
    Also how the fuck does Brave "acquire" Idol when everyone just jumps ship? I wish we had a full explanation on how that works out money wise and what Brave gets out of buying a shell.

    My theory, which I think I mentioned somewhere earlier in this thread, is that Idol and Brave polled their talents about who would stay and who would go as the deal was being finalized, and that info was priced into the deal the companies signed. I think that makes a lot more sense than Brave potentially making an expensive deal just to have all or almost all of the talents walk afterwards.

    The clippers earlier this year made the revelation that Fishman generates an instant 30k+ views to a video. Hell, if you look at my channel's most watched videos, the top row is entirely clips with Sakana.

    Oh, come on. That can't possibly be--


    Huh. Will have to be sure to do more clips with him when the chance presents itself.

    Back on topic, Aviel posted this on LinkedIn a few days ago and it made me angry to find out about it. "My first exit…" Any benefit of the doubt that he wasn't operating Idol targeting a Silicon Valley-style buy-out rather than long-term sustainability has gone up in smoke.

    Momo Otako redebuts after several months as Mia Melonya
  • Hff201

    Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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    Momo Otako of Idol EN Gen 2, now known as Mia Melonya, looks to be returning from her hiatus soon. The announcement video is a Valorant montage, for some fucking reason.

    PreserveTube Archive

    it's happening (previously momo otako from idol, now stinky toxic gamer)
    Idol's public response to Rosa Nagashi
  • VSoyBoy

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    Rin Penrose volunteers to be a contact point
  • Hff201

    Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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    Rin Penrose Youtube community post
  • Horo7618

    No one in particular
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