Man, I always say that vtubers who choose to leave of their own accord should be celebrated and sent off with a smile, but I wonder now if that's always been a defence mechanism. I was on the Farms live-tweeting Pomu's debut and I've stuck with her ever since, and now I'm sat here completely paralysed since her stream started. It hurts.
I'll keep watching my Niji oshis and I'll keep buying tickets for concerts, but I don't find any joy in coming online to combat misinformation, offer differing perspectives, or even posting the positive stuff anymore. At the very least, not in circles where it feels these kind of announcements are celebrated. I think I'm just over it.
For the last few months I've been compiling info behind the scenes on a Discord server grooming a major JP V-Tuber based on a tip I received. I put it on hold because I wondered who or what I was doing it for, and couldn't come up with an answer. I may or may not come back to post that in the future if I feel it has any value, but until then I guess this will be my last post.
Despite being memed on for my long-form replies and perceptions of being a tribalist, I did used to have a lot of fun messing around here. I've seen posts that mention be by name that call me a good person, or a valued member in this corner of TVA; I've received PMs thanking me for my contribution to the site and I'm very grateful for all of it. I genuinely loved that time I did a deep dive on the 'Kaburaki Roco' saga even though I knew I was rambling to people who didn't really care that much.
Do try to be more compassionate for the Niji fans who remain. It's been a tough year and it may very well get tougher before it gets better. These people are only guilty of loving their oshis too.
Best wishes and stay safe, you insufferable faggots.