Somewhat big post incoming possibly.
Managed to hear a little of Emma's karaoke this morning. She's actually a pretty good singer once the warm-ups are done. To start though she had an announcement.
She's been invited to Anime Festival Asia in Singapore! For her this is a dream come true. It's her first time being invited to a con. She'll also be in a game-show featuring some PRISM, MyHoloTV and Indie Vtubers.
And to wrap up the Emma news:
(Yes I voted for Spicy OL art lol)

Next let's talk Nina Kosaka.
Today we got this stream:
It was supposed to be Mass Effect 1. But EA's been fucking with the Origin launcher shit and it was taking too long to troubleshoot. So Mass Effect has been moved to sometime next week assuming Nina can get some tech support to figure out the EA launcher shit. (Even though she bought the Steam version of Mass Effect it's still making her use Origin, because EA is trash.)
Some other things Nina mentioned today is that she might be getting sick. One of her friends she visited recently was also sick, and now Nina is getting sore throat and stuff... So that might effect stuff this weekend depending how she feels. She also mentioned wanting to do an Endurance treadmill stream up to 8 hours. She's not sure how she'll work the camera, but she wants donos/memberships setup so that they add time. AKA: X amount of donation = Y amount of time on treadmill extended.
The next Pochi-sensei Stream (Live now at the time of this post.)
HaneAme X Kiara, love to see it.
Kiara's thirst knows no bounds!
Also HaneAme has been invited to AFA Singapore as well.
Now I suppose I'll wrap it up with some Fauna news. Today she did a member stream:
Some notes I've taken:
- Has a series of announcements to make, but is unsure when she'll make them.
- Starts waffling over "Announcement 2 of 4" (Announcement one was at the beginning of the month, Her and Bae collabs)
- Ends up announcing that sometime next week she'll drop a full new ASMR roleplay, entirely written and produced by herself. She did commission an artwork which she showed off. The theme is Priestess/Nun.
- She was working on it all night last night. She says it has to be approved by management before she can post it in full, so she's been busy during the nights to write it and act it in time.
- Tried to sleep in to compensate, but just couldn't. She's awake but really tired.
- No further announcement teases, straight to business. (The game.)
- Focuses on game for the next hour and 20 minutes. Small talk with chat throughout. Comfy and entertaining.
- 15 minutes: Zatsu time
"November is coming up, can we have Non-stop Napping November?"
- November is a "weird month" for Fauna. October has Halloween and you can stretch lots of festivities around that, it's a fun month. Lots of people celebrate. November has... Thanksgiving it's a bit boring, not everyone celebrates it (especially in Canada which has their own), and November doesn't really revolve around it. December goes right back into Holiday mode though, so she likes December.
"Oh sorry, is this Thanksgiving slander?"
- "In my family we do have Thanksgiving feast, but we also make a big thanksgiving feast for Christmas... So Christmas is just a better Thanksgiving for me, you get gifts and holiday spirit."
- Papa Kirin is a big home chef. Last year he made tamales of all things for Christmas.
- Fauna starts making straw noises lol. Blowing in her drink and making it bubble, and singing through the straw.
- Chat says it sounds like she's drowning lol.
- Fauna starts talking about being an adult and looking back at some of her childhood dreams. Recently she was picking up her room and found a skateboard she bought because she "wanted to be a cool person who skateboards" but she is too scared to go outside and do it / learn. She then starts talking about,
"Maybe I should skate inside my house? Nobody is gonna stop me right? ... But eventually I decided against it because it doesn't seem like a responsible thing to do."
"I'm not *that* old, only 4 and a half billion"
- Last 20 minutes: Supachat readings, not much to transcribe here.