It definitely wasn't COVID but scheduling issues aren't limited to studio capacity and availability.
Let's do some napkin math:
LazuLight were in Japan for 3 weeks to record their 3D debuts as well as some extra tidbits. Luxiem were also in Japan for about 3 weeks as well.
So if we assume Niji need about 3 weeks per wave, then they'd need to squeeze in about 9 weeks or more on Obsydia, Ethyria and Noctyx to fly into Japan within the 11 weeks between the NJU announcement (Jan 22) and the Event (Apr 8-9). This gives them a 2-week margin for error to fly out 10 more members - all with untested 3D rigs - just to do the recording. Engineers would then need more time to clean everything up.
COLORS was never an issue of if Anycolor had the facilities to do it, but moreso that everyone and their mothers would have been crunched to an insanely high level for a chance at completion that still wasn't 100%. In the last month alone there have been 6x 3D Debuts, 1x 3D Live, 1x New 3D outfit Live, a couple of Anniversary Lives and regular broadcast of shows like ゲームる? ゲームる! In the last 3 months there have been AT LEAST 7 Birthday Lives (one of them being 8 hours long). The company definitely doesn't need to start outsourcing 3D facilities.
Tangential to this, and this'll be my last post for a little while because I'm in the middle of some shit that needs my attention, but I've spent the last two days on and off scouring Anycolor's financial reports in a desperate search for any hackneyed equation that would lead False and his 'sources' of totally legitimate, not /vt/ tribalspergs to the conclusion that there is a 98:2 split on physical merch and I literally cannot find fucking anything.
Like, there's nothing there. The financial reports don't even compartmentalise physical merch from digital goods, so net profit and gross profit is skewed because there's no way to identify what the share between the company and individuals are.
The only things you can really parse from those graphs is that even shitty A-posing acrylic stands have a fuckton of overhead costs. With no grasp on if the 2% (if even real) is gross profit or net profit it's difficult to have any opinion on it at all, so it's a little sad that everyone is typing at the speed of outrage over something that, for all intents and purposes as of typing this, was made up.
That includes Kson's tweets about it, which she made in full knowledge that she has no idea on if it's true or not. Her campaign to show why VShojo is the best and every other corpo is the worst would be admirable - if not for the fact that 2/3 of the graduated members have jumped ship to Mythic with one of them, Nyanners, going on record to say that her VShojo contract didn't make any financial sense to her. Three people graduated because being an Indie or being in Mythic was better for them. Think about that, and think about how that undermines Kson's entire pitch when she joined.
EDIT: As I was writing this up, Sukosuko announced a 3D DJ event taking place in a couple days.
It's your special mix of factual analysis and ad hominem attacks in the same breath that make you so... Scuddle.
Unless someone leaks contracts we can't know either way but Kson is friends with other vtubers so I might believe her over you. As far as the Covid/Niji issue - it would make more sense to assume that Covid was an ancillary reason, not the entire reason. The talents tweeting passively aggressive about the issue is where the rrats are breed.
Cover PR site has more info on the studio

国内最大級!?カバー新スタジオに初潜入&オンライン採用説明会も開催決定|カバー株式会社 公式note
いつもnoteを読んで下さっているみなさん、こんにちは! カバー株式会社 人事部 兼 採用広報担当の桑江(くわえ)です。 本日発表されたプレスリリースでも記載しておりましたが、このたびカバー株式会社が新しいスタジオを設立いたしました!!! カバー株式会社、バーチャル配信や技術向上をサポートする新スタジオ設立を発表 カバー株式会社のプレスリリース(2023年5月11日 15時00分)カバー株式会社、バーチャル配信や技術向上をサポートする 今回は、新しくなったスタジオ施設内部について、より詳細な情報をお届けするべく初潜入!どんな設備や機材
Haneru, from Animare, has uterine cancer and will have surgery