"I thought foreskin worked like an earbud tip for literally years 😭😭😭😭😭"Fujikura Uruka

General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave


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My favorite one is someoneVSoyboy refused to talk to Proctor on the discord and said "I'm walking away from this argument"
Proctor DM-ed him here on the site to continue the argument, also pinged him on the banter thread and then banned the person from herethreaten to ban him


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
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Redemption Arc
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Panko of color
Joined:  Dec 27, 2022
Whore comes to the same conclusion her whore roomate did several months ago - Alt twitters are bad and will only cause you problems.

Menace lasted 4 days. Expecting her to get too comfortable and start weighing in on drama only to fold at the slightest pushback again within a month.


Minor slapfight happening between a merch shop and a "Vtuber manager" that manages Rin penrose and Laimu happening on twitter.

Screenshot 2025-03-01 Zoey 💀 on X @WeeBeNet I work on making deals relative to the demands of ...png

Ami's petplay fetish is going full force at the moment.


God's Tastiest Bucko

A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
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When you think about it, superchats are by the very definition, gifts. Should globie limit amount of SCs sent at 50 dollars per YT account too?
Vtuber companies and talents absolutely do pay tax on superchat income.


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Day 11 Highlights 11
Previous - Next (TBA)​

Korone gifts Biboo an ocelot and predicts how she would react. (Day 10)

Biboo reacts to the gift. (Day 11)

The story of Nerissa's special pickaxe from Moona. (Days 10 and 18)

Day 11:
Roboco meets with Bae.

Roboco meets with Kaela.

Marine interacts with Sora. [Extended version of Marine trying her shot]

Vivi watches Kanade struggling to breed the few yellow sheep in the sheep farm.

(Taken from here and here.)
Early Morning (JST) Hours:
  • Lui prepares a chest of tools and enchanting books at the setup area of the Fubukingdom. They're all for Miko. Lui enchants some of the items and names them Elite (insert name here) mk2. (Lui is working to remake Miko's stuff back after she had zenlossed them from the lava in the nether).
  • Su and Riona head back from their nether fortress trip, but on the way they get attacked by a Hoglin and Su dies in the nether. I believe Riona was able to pick up her items.
  • Lui in the nether discovers another set of doors near the nether portal to the Stylish City/Fubukingdom. She goes in to investigate. She does some digging around in the tunnels and found some quartz.
  • A chat tells Lui that Iroha is very good (because Iroha has been working on the Nether tunnels and making them look nicer). Lui (in English) said that she agreed. And then said that Iroha is god.
  • Su and Riona make it back safely. Now with lots of Blaze Rods and Ender pearls, Su gets to work crafting Eye of Ender. She makes 20 Eye of Ender. Other than restocking on any supplies, Flow Glow is ready to find The End.
  • RU and Riona work to mine lots of Obsidian down in the mines below. Su uses the Obsidian to craft some Ender Chests. After some organizing, Su and Riona do some fishing.
  • Liz has a shield now. "It's you guys." She's currently smelting down copper. Liz's plan for today is to finish her heart house, and then she's going to pick a spot in the main area and build her own house (Liz likes to build houses so she's fine with having multiple houses). Liz also got another set of llamas, so now she has 4.
  • Liz ends up dying to a creeper. She lost her bed spawn point so she respawned back at the spawn point. Liz doesn't really remember where her heart house is, but she showed the coordinates so chat could help to find them. Lui asked if Liz was okay, and Liz said she was (she was not ok but she doesn't want to bug anyone).
  • Liz comes across an armadillo. At first she calls it a jackal. The armadillo then drops a scute, which Liz called poop. Liz tries to find Ollie's place to help her find the heart shaped house. She first heads towards the cottage that she made when she first logged on. Liz makes it to her cottage and finds the chicken she left with the cow was missing. She was able to find another chicken to bring in. Liz when she went inside quickly learned how the chicken "escaped" (her windows don't have glass so things can go through). Liz makes some trapdoor windows so her chickens stay in place.
  • Liz decides to respawn back at spawnpoint and find her plot of land for the main server area. She goes on an exploration of the server. She takes a visit to Azuiro's iron farm and craft some iron armor. Liz accidentally made one too many iron shoes so she put most of them in the Iron Block chest.
  • Liz comes across Marine's house (marine put the ghost faces on the front of her house). Suddenly the jukebox that Subaru, Iroha, and Azki set up (that triggers and loops with a shulk sensor) starts playing. Liz procees to twerk and dance in front of Marine's place. She goes into settings to turn the music down.
  • Liz then heads into Pekora's Pyramid and discovers her allay auto farm. She's in shock over its mechanics. Liz explores lots of other places, and trying to figure out where to put her home.
  • Kaela starts her stream. She tells us what she's been up to and what she did off stream. She then gets to work mining for mats in the nether while chatting. When Kaela exited the nether, she ended up exiting through the portal to Azuiro's area. Kaela said that she was invited to the auction but she couldn't attend because she had an ID collab. Chat tells her that the auction was a scam (lol). She learned only Pekora really got scamed.
  • Liz while wandering around the server decides to carve out a path. After more wandering around, she decides to make a house next to Kiara's.
  • Kaela has once again, made a basement storage room. Its still in the process of being worked on but its already looking good. There's a secret entrance in Kaela's small room basement. An autodoor that opens up the wall behind to the large basement area (a blink and you missed it moment I'll have to see how she gets in and out (she gets out through a button) It has a lava pool and a wall of chests. There's also a large auto smelter. Kaela's plan is to bring the nether here. The autosmelter is for all the nether bricks that Kaela is smelting to decorate her large basement room. Also, Kaela doesn't want others to know about her basement.
  • Liz clears and flattens some land to make room for her house. She also decides to make a house for Kiara's cat (given by Biboo). She puts flowers around the cat house.
  • Kaela works on making a lava fountain for her large basement. Then she works on adding lanterns and decorations. When figuring out what to do for the wall, chat suggested she make a lava wall. Kaela does some tests and keeps the lava wall.
  • Lui off stream got ancient debris.
  • Liz does some exploring and unintentionally ends up at Biboo's chair.
  • Liz is able to find her way back home and adds leaves to make a hedge around her place. She then adds an iron fence to it. Liz begins house and yard construction, adding fences, flowers, and more.
  • Kanata today will be streaming to mine 450 diamonds to pay off her debts from the auction of Subarunium. She currently has 23 diamonds on her. Kanata notices her gift from Noel and opens it up. She gets a chest plate tha'ts GGG Cup. Lamy's Gold (ice block), Lamy gold premium (which is 4 diamond blocks). Kanata heads into Azuiro's branch mines to start on mining. Kanata while mining for diamonds finds an amethyst geode.
  • Kaela's chest of crimson that she searched for got put into the lava, rip. She'll have to get more again.
  • Kanata after mining for about one hour has now gotten a total of 2 stacks of diamonds.
  • Bae logs onto the server and shows the chat what she has worked on since last stream. She then notices Marine's house next to her and goes to check it out. She ends up triggering the jukebox from below the house.
  • Kanata shows us in her Upao cafe an R18 Room. There's vines that cover it for privacy. Its a small one bed room with a book stand.
  • Bae wants to go on an adventure to a temple. She asks Kaela if she knows of any good temples, and Kaela responds with "which one?" Bae thinks theres a white Quartz Temple so she tells Kaela, which just confuses her and everyone. Bae realized she was probably thinking of something else. She thanks about going to the nether to mine for quartz. CHat tells her that she'll need silk touch for it, and KAela says she only really needs fortune: neither things that Bae has. Kaela then advertises her trading center to get the stuff. She also tells Bae that emeralds are needed and how to get some. Bae is a bit confused by things, so for now she keeps working on her Dice House.
  • Kaela meets up with Lui outside the trading post. Lui notices Kaela has netherite and goes "omg, you are perfect". She asks Lui what shes been up to and Lui says shes been working to get emeralds. Kaela learned from chat that Lui had also zenlossed too.
  • Bae heads to Kaela's villager trading post and the Moona and Raora Iron Farm. It takes a while but Bae eventually finds her way. She is surprised by some of the prices of the items more than anything. Kaela saw Bae's achievement of "what a deal" for buying from a trader and goes "we have another customer".
  • Kaela works on the ceiling of her basement room. She notes how she can see Bae and Lui's names above her as the trading hall is above her basement. Meanwhile Bae and Lui meet and say morning to each other. Lui often keeps seeing what Bae is doing (Bae has her vc enabled so she only turns on her mic when she wants to talk to people, otherwise its kept off so she can talk to chat without others hearing).
  • Bae heads over to ID's EXP farm to get more levels for enchanting. On the way she stops by Azuiro's Camp and area. She is surprised by their storage area. She then finds Reine's frog prison, and Reine's love pier. Bae finds the photospot idea very smart.
  • Kanata comes across The Deep Dark Biome. She says she was in warden territory. She also finds a small cave that she explores a bit in. On her way back, she starts singing "dochi dochi, dochi dochi" . Later on she find an amethyst geode.
  • Niko off stream died from fall damage, and then died to a creeper. She tells the girls that she ended up getting a zenloss. Everyone goes "ohhh noo" and gives their condolences.
  • Kaela heads off into the nether. She gets a ride on a strider to help get her around (she also has fire potions too). She reaches a nether fortress and mine's its nether bricks.
  • Bae after much leveling enchants her silk touch pickaxe. "The Touch of Ice" is what its called.
  • Somehow, Bae's dog gets stuck in the middle of the farms. She can make it unsit so it'll follow her. Bae learns it was her dog that she lost in the adventure she had the other day out at sea. Bae then goes fishing to get a nametag for her dog. Bae doesn't have the patience to fish a nametag so she'll go and buy one at the shop. She then found Azurio's fishing spot and borrow's Azki fishing rod to use. While fishing, Bae sees Ao swimming along the river and says hello. After much try, Bae fishes up a nametag.
  • Roboco logs onto the server. She lands on the spawn point. Roboco says hello in her greeting and everyone says hi back. Vivi writes it in Kanji and hiragana instead of in romaji characters.
  • Bae ends up fishing 2 nametags. She heads to a nearby anvil to put names on them for her dog and horse. Bae names her dog HachiTaro <3. Roboco comes to the campsite and meets with Bae there. Roboco asks Bae for some food and Bae gives some to her "sha-na-nai" kind of way. Bae tells Roboco that she was giving a nametag to her dog, Hachitaro. Its roboco's first time seeing a Pale Oak tree and Pale Oak wood, since its new. Bae then puts the nametag on her dog.
  • Bae takes Roboco over to the Love Pier. She then gives her love confession to Roboco (Asking if shes free tomorrow and saying she'll make time jsut for you and whatnot). Bae does describe that its a good photospot. After that, Roboco goes to continue exploring while Bae names her Horse, Kaine. She also name the other dog she got "other dog". Bae accidentally fed both her dogs and ended up making a new dog. Bae goes to get another name tag. She gets another nametag and names the new dog "Happy Accident".
  • Kanata has been exploring a mineshaft in her dig underground.
  • Vivi has been busy helping to manage her farm.
  • Niko dies to a creeper again. She mentions in chat that she's a zako, but kaela replies that shes no zako. Niko says "Thank you".
  • Roboco climbs up the Pekomid and discovers the auto farm system. She ends up climbing to the higher level where the villagers are, and landing inside the villager area. Roboco eventually is able to escape. Wanders more and checks out the houses at the Minato Ward area.
  • Bae accidentally made the two dogs stand and fed them and they made another puppy.
  • Vivi takes a walk around the server. She finds Liz's spot for her house and finds Okayu's cat tree house. She uses scaffolding to climb up and take a picture in front of the cat house.
  • Roboco visits Kiara's frog and finds it very cute, she then takes a walk around her house. Roboco then finds where Liz will live.

Afternoon (JST) Hours:
  • Bae is working to fish up one more name tag for her 4th dog. She's trying to do it before she has to head off for the day. Bae finally gets another nametag after 54 attempts at fishing. She names the dog "oops".
  • Vivi and Roboco end up meeting each other by coincidence at Okayu's Cat Treehouse. Vivi gave her a welcome since its her first day on the server. Roboco tells Vivi about how she saw Pekora's villagers in the Pyramid, while Vivi told Roboco about the creeper farm that she built yesterday with Pekora.
  • Vivi goes to check on the Creeper farm. Thanks to Pekora's AFK efforts, theres now multiple stacks of gunpowder in the farm. This makes Vivi very happy, she starts jumping around.
  • Roboco checks out Subaru's house, which has been the subject of some pranks. She checks out the ducks (puts a watermelon on one of the eyes), and reads all the signs that were written.
  • Kanata was able to mine and obtain all 450 Diamonds.
  • Roboco takes a visit to Haachama's coaster. She puts her items (which are mostly watermelon) away and then takes it for a ride (not before touching a bed). Roboco dies from the ride. Roboco finds theres both a mine cart and a dirt block placed where she died, which is most likely the culprits for it. Roboco removes the dirt block. Roboco establishes her spot up on the hill across the water from Biboo's Animal Cafe.

Some Quick Notes from VODS:
  • Korone left a present for Biboo: An Ocelot. Biboo shortly after logging on sees the Ocelot. She screams loudly after reading its from Korone.
  • Biboo heard about Kaela's nether basement and begs her show her the room. Kaela says she can go break in it if she wants. Biboo doesn't want to break into the room (and plus it sounds sus). Biboo does end up in Kaela's basement (She didn't really break in), and comments that it needs more paintings. Kaela and Biboo later did a Trial Chamber together.
  • Moona off stream created a sugar cane farm and a mud making machine.
  • Kaela left a present for Koyori at her lab.
  • During Roboco's exploration of the server she got to visit Biboo's Cafe. Afterwards she met up with Kaela.
  • Nene VOD notes: At Vivi's house, the sign where Fubuki wrote it was her summer house, Nene wrote it was also her house too. Nene while exploring saw Bae's house and at first described it as a tofu house. Nene visits Subaru's house and triggers the gravel trap by mistake. Nene also gathers quartz for Nerissa.
  • Noel during stream today discovered a Mooshroom Island.

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Marine logs onto the server and the jukebox starts playing. She notices the banners and berry bushes (So the banners were placed by someone else). Marine compares it to Disneyland. She's enjoying the vibes. She learns it was Subaru who made that for her.
  • Sora has been tree farming for Pale Oak Wood. Shes also been farming for Sakura Wood too.
  • Marine met up with Sora at her place. Sora shows Marine that the free torch chest has been completely restocked. They talk for a bit, then Marine shows Sora her place. Marine is wanting the music to play, but its not playing (they're sneaking). It takes a while for them walking around to trigger the music.
  • Marine and Sora head towards Marine's two birds and shows them to her. They're named Jack and Sparrow. On the way to the birds they notice Pekora and Vivi's Creeper Farm. The two decide to climb up its AFK spot. After hanging out there, they head back down, but Marine fell down the scaffolding and died.
  • Chihaya logs onto the server, falls due to height. She ends up back at the spawn point. She takes a look to see how the castle has been progressing. She sees a Zombie Piglin outside for the first time. She takes a look to see how castle work has been progressing from Niko. Afterwards, she starts today's work on the castle.
  • Okayu logs on and notices the Creeper Trap AFK spot from across her house. Okayu also notices that a fancy bridge has been built from her house to Lui's house (and ergo Mio's house too). Okayu then continues work on her house (its not completely finished yet, even if things like the cat part are).
  • Sora meets up with Vivi who's been farming. The two chat for a bit.
  • Marine goes swimming underwater to collect Squid Ink. She meets back up with Sora and Vivi. After the 3 chat, they each go off to do their own thing.
  • Sora up in her attic makes a storage room for her items. She creates chests for her roommates too, like making a chest for Cecilia
  • Matsuri logs on and meets up with Marine, and then Vivi. Vivi takes Matsuri to her house and shows her the sponge she collected on her trip to the ocean monument.
  • Marine's bird Sparrow ends up dying due to getting hurt from the berry bush. Marine is upset by this and immediately removes all the berry bushes (Which were planted by Subaru) from the front of the yard. She asks Matsuri who was nearby to help her make something for Subaru as payback of sorts. They make a grave for Sparrow, the pet bird. They surround it with berries, add a sign, and ghosts around it.
  • Vivi works on getting sand. She's grabbing it from underwater near her house, so shes learning to manage water control in Minecraft (also acting like she actually just held her breath underwater).
  • Chihaya while exploring comes across Haachama's Restaurant. Marine and Matsuri pass by and take a look inside. It looked sus to them but after investigating they find it to be safe.
  • Chihaya made some creepers blow up by the river, this was close enough to where Vivi heard and she got a bit concerned.
  • Pekora logs online and notices that the trap Subaru put in front of her own house was triggered by Nene. She sees then next to it the grave that Marine is making.
  • Pekora takes a visit and sees Koyori's potion ship. She then sees at her house that Kanata left a bunch of diamonds for her (as Payment for the loan. "Kami Kanata"). Pekora also notices a gift from Vivi inside: A bunch of TNT, Gunpowder, carrots, and more.
  • Okayu takes a read at the Subarunium book in Kanata's cafe. (Oh BTW that R18 room that was seen, is actually in Korone's own house that Miko and some other made as a joke). While Okayu reads the book, Pekora sneaks by and listens in (Okayu is reading this out loud for all to hear, and Pekora has her mic muted so she doesn't interupt anything). After she finishes reading, Pekora enters the room, jumpscaring her, and Okayu gets surprised. Okayu ends up writing a review for the book next to it. She gives it 3/5 stars.
  • Marine ends up falling in the hole in front of Subaru's house. Subaru who logged in, sees Marine trapped in the hole. She does eventually get out. Subaru is taken to the grave site of Sparrow and laughs at it, tho Marine explains what happened to her bird.
  • Vivi has been continuing work on her house. Adding a checkered glass ceiling/floor to her house. She then starts on (what looks like to me) making her own large Cherry Tree.
  • Chihaya finds Reine's lovespot and takes a picture by the heart. She also finds Reine's frog prison.
  • Pekora is making a lot of TNT. She's working to gather the materials needed like sand. The TNT is for her to dig in the nether and get ancient debris.
  • Marine sees the progression that Matsuri is doing on her house. She's decorating the interior.
  • Chihaya while exploring finds Okayus house. Okayu was there so she invited her inside to check it out. After she looks around the are from a high vantage point using her scaffolding. She spots Subaru at her house working on something.
  • Okayu ends up falling into Subaru's gravel trap hole. Subaru sees this and does get her out of the hole. Subaru then travels with Okayu around the main server area. They meet with Marine at Su's house.
  • Su logs onto the server and finds Marine, Subaru, and Okayu all hanging out around her house. Su also shows Marine her underwater aquarium and how to get inside.
  • Chihaya ends up finding Cecilia's music stuff. She finds it next to where she plans to build her garage. Chihaya has been doing a lot of exploring this stream since a lot has changed since she last logged on.
  • Marine tells Okayu and Subaru how she plans to write a Pekora Doujin (??? Need confirmation on this but something with Pekora).
  • Kanade logs onto the server has a long list of things on the left side of her stream. The list (using google lens), appears to be a list of materials Kanade wants to gather. Kanade then finds Okayu and goes to check out her house.
  • Chihaya takes a visit to Biboo's Animal Cafe, and pretends to actually wait to be seated before being seated. She checks out the animal pens and is amazed by the snowman in the polar bear pen. She then finds the jukebox and puts a CD in, which makes the birds start dancing (the music sounds like a different song than the one most people play).
  • Marine gives Riona a spook by Flow Glow's area. She then goes to give Riona and Su a swimming show in Su's aquarium.
  • Marine passes by Kanade by Sora's house, who's busy tree farming. They talk for a bit. Marine also while walking around sneaks up on Vivi and gives her a startle. It took Vivi some time for her to notice Marine. Marine has been busy walking back and forth from the different iron farms to composters trying to get rid of their poppies, which is why she keeps running into different people on the server. Kanade earlier was asking Marine for bonemeal cause she saw Marine was making some, but Marine was like "nah". Marine has been making bonemeal as a gift to Koyori, hence the gathering of poppies. Next time, Marine will make Pekorinumin.
  • Chihaya wants to go into the nether, but realizes she needs the proper gear for it. So she heads back to Flow Glow's area where Riona and Su help her out. Chihaya was also smart to look up that you are to NOT bring your bed into the nether. Su also teaches Chihaya about Ender chests and how they work. Riona and Su will travel with Chihaya together.
  • Okayu heads on over to the Fubukingdom area. She sees the fountain Lui made and calls Lui a genius. Okayu meets up with Lui who's been busy mining the quartz.
  • Marine hides behind's Sora's house and easedrops on Kanade whos chatting while chopping trees.
  • Okayu does some exploring in the server and finds Korone's house (made by Miko and some others). Okayu goes inside the house and discovers theres an R18 room inside. She then finds Kaela's villager trading post, and calls Kaela a god.
  • Pekora returns from her nether trip and begins to smelt the ancient debris to make Netherite. While Pekora has netherite, she still needs the smithing templates to let her make nethertie. She is aware Kaela has some "Where is my Kaela?". She also asks for Bijou as well.
  • Kanade has been making cookies and giving the cookies a very long nickname. The cookies are to be a gift. Looks like Kanade is preparing valentine's gifts to different Members. She leaves a named cookie in a chest in Marine's house (on her ship).
From now on, the highlight posts will no longer be strictly for a specific day. This is to give me more flexibility, so I can now list a clip like this that spans multiple days rather than creating a bunch of separate posts I have to tie together.


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kushami tasukaru

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Re:AcT's Sumeragi Rose is singing.

Had one earlier at 4AM JST.

Figaro with her cover of Monitoring.

Kashiko Mari covering one of the Rurouni Kenshin Opening songs 1/2.

She celebrated her seventh year a few days ago and there were congratulatory messages from former Re:AcT colleagues Marumochi Tsukimi and Coucouroua Creil. Quite a long journey with three corpos (and a child).

So for that sponsored Monster Hunter Wilds stream...

With a short Eva promotion as well.


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Nako Ryu is going on hiatus after completing her Dark Souls wheel challenge, citing declining mental health



Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
They are citing bullshit reasons :the thruth is they dont want to admit they got scammed by the Great Miguel



"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Nobodys gonna know that I was cheating on my oshi with 5 different vtubers!!!!!!!


menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
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Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
Everything's possible if you believe in yourself and try hard enough. Don't let your dreams remain memes.

There's an easier one too, via BBcode.
For filthy phone users who dont understand what is going on @God's Tastiest Bucko just posted a message using the comic sans font. It only displays properly on PC and not on phone.

That being said I will stop browsing this site on PC due to the same reason.

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
For filthy phone users who dont understand what is going on @God's Tastiest Bucko just posted a message using the comic sans font. It only displays properly on PC and not on phone.

That being said I will stop browsing this site on PC due to the same reason.

b i t c h


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My heart goes out to you. Heil Hitler.

Why is Kanye like this

God's Tastiest Bucko

A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
For filthy phone users who dont understand what is going on @God's Tastiest Bucko just posted a message using the comic sans font. It only displays properly on PC and not on phone.

That being said I will stop browsing this site on PC due to the same reason.
Protip: On Firefox/Mozilla-codebase browsers, you can set browser.display.use_document_fonts to 0 in about:config to disrespect website's font overrides and use default fonts only. I don't know if you can do that in Chrome-based browsers - probably yes.

Kanna's Glowiest Assistant

Hard-working girl enjoyer
Joined:  Jun 14, 2024
Kanna's back to MonHun and will play it with the kamos

Remia has her 2nd outfit debut

It's a pretty typical military idol outfit, but still very stylish without being overdone. I don't know why EB+ does such a good job with Remia while Nerissa's outfits never quite hit the mark for me, other than her New Year's.
Last edited:


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Okay, that was pretty good, Superduper. You've actually been posting some real bangers on that account of late.
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