Azehara post:
On that note it is strange to me that no normie westoid has ever invited a vtuber to a stream to then ask totally retarded questions or try to get info out of them, what would happen then?
does Calli going on trash taste not count?
Welcome to the fat fuck life, my white brethren. Duck Woman love.
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whats with all the bird mascots being fat fucks´´
Ina and Haachama interactions in minecraft.
I fucking love Haachama english, I hope she never gets any better at it
The way she talks is so cute and retarded
I'm a little curious to get other people's take on this moment. I was listening to the stream live and it certainly raised an eyebrow, but I ended up joking about it in the Liveposting thread and promptly forgot about it after that. However, there are several people in the clip comments who are actually mad at Gigi for going too far, and on a re-watch it does come off a little awkward, I guess?
Holofan verdict? I watch too many shrieking indie goblins/Phase members, I'm used to chuubas telling people to go fuck themselves.
nah this is very much in Kroniis comfort zone
Those comments are retarded
Tsukino Mito's new MV is out. The decapitation and subsequent revival of mascot Mito through some sort of toddler alchemy plays a central part in the plot.
Here is another teaser that was posted yesterday, based on the "Blank Room Soup" video.
mito should fist fight Mikodanye and Chiitan the crazy japanese mascot
f that's from scratch it's probably the best work any Holo has ever done, it even follows common building conventions and techniques so I am insanely curious.
I stand that the best Building a holo has ever done is Haachamas Tower of Babel in the old JP server
And that one is really from scratch because the building has no logic to it other than being tall and massive
Special mention also for Haachamas Hogwards build in the EN server and just the overall look of the old ID server
Kaela grinds more but Moona is the real building autist in ID
speaking of that, yesterday was the anniversary of Rushia's termination
Where were you when she was terminated?
interestingly I was about to go to the cinema to watch the House of Gucchi and eating McDo when the stream with the rest of Gen3 dropped
I dont even know what I am looking at or what this is about
what was the fucking request?
Also, Kiara permantly put all her body hair in the shadow realm via Electrolysis
That transformer-musical is going to win over "Wicked",
there is a transformers musical??
That sounds kinda rad actually
I think she's a hafu, and living in Romania according to the chess yab from a couple years ago. And yeah, part of why she's in EN is because she wanted to escalate the eigo jouzu grind from watching 80s action movies to being pressured into speaking it.
how does a japanese woman end up in a shithole like Romania? Is her husband from there? If she were halfu, she should speak better english by now, no? Half-bloods usually grow up at least bilingual
PARE PARE PARE remains undefeated
but good song still, I can see this working with crowds
I suspect that the "someone special" is Reine:
Reine please please please dont fumble the Kiara bag again
Kiara kept talking how much she misses Reine and their collabs and that she wants to see her again for like 2 weeks before their collab in Minecraft