That is true.
I don't really care to shill streams, I don't mind if others do it but I cannot be bothered.
I rarely watch streams all the way through anyway, I neither have the time nor the attention span to sit around for hours watching someone play a game. I'm mostly in this forum to discuss the industry and the happenings within it.
I am also not obsessed with any Vtuber nor hold parasocial delusions about them (queue people being doubtful because a meme repeated enough times might as well be the truth) . My whole Nene shtick started as a joke in the farms out of the need for an untraceable username, I have gained an appreciation for her over time but I cannot truly become obsessed or relentlessly shill someone I cannot understand 95% of the time. Sorry.
That explains why I often clash with other people who are in this thing mostly to slobber over virtual 'gina or find some semblance of companionship. I will never understand that appeal, it's not my reason for being here.
If I have an Oshi it is the industry as a whole, it's history, the appeal of Vtubers, their uncertain future, all of the little debates and discussions we can have about the cogs that make it all run.
That's what I love, that's what keeps me interested, that's why I hate the notion that vtubing is just a gimmick, just twitch with a new coat of paint over it. How truly banal and boring is that?
I don't care to follow something that's just another stupid, worthless, cynical product of the degradation of culture we've had happen to everything online over the last two decades.
Wow you love your indie wife so fucking much but how long until you "dump" her for another piece of virtual ass to throw money at when you get bored? Parasocialism may drive vtubing but it is a fucking social cancer and a sign of how bad things have gotten. I will never understand it, I will never reconcile this kind of thinking in my head.
I don't like Holo out of some fanboyish obsession with a performer or some tribalistic impulse. I see them as an agency which at times invokes a different era, an agency which takes itself seriously sometimes and has some semblance of prestige, true impact and importance. If they lost that then I would jump overboard at the drop of a hat, I'd probably abandon this dumpster fire of an industry completely tbh.
Call me pretentious, call Holo nothing special and just another product of evil japanese capitalism, you're entitled to have your opinions, but this is my outlook on things and the last 5 years in this shit have only reinforced it.
I wrote too much but whatever, its 4am and I'm half awake bitching and moaning, most people will either agree or disagree for two seconds and then we'll be back to the same old "I assume what your opinion is until corrected" discourse for the upteemph time, and I wouldn't have it any other way.