"Are you really gonna listen to FEMA. I don't think anybody should rely on FEMA, those people will throw you to the wolves, they do not like you, they do not want you to survive, they hate you"Pipkin Pippa
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It also seems like all the talents are hinting at something special coming after the Karaoke Relay they’re hosting the same day as the Phase Weekly. Could it really be invaders being announced so soon?
EDIT: a few of the talents are also reposting it with some hype. Either this is an invader reveal or the biggest troll ever.
Has the head mod in the official phase Discord always been named Blank? Here are their YouTube channel tests.
I don't think they are testing the function without planning to use it.
I don't have it in me to pretend to be surprised, this was such a half-arsed attempt at a gimmick persona from someone who clearly didn't understand what vtubing is about. Unus Annus worked because Mark and Ethan were already experienced creators who had established audiences, so the idea of them dedicating a year to a time-limited project was intriguing from the start. Putting someone who sounded nervous on mic every time I heard her out there with no selling point beyond the gimmick was obviously not going to take off, no matter how much money was thrown into it.
This was such a bizzare saga that ended up amounting to nothing besides a random retard dumping god knows how much cash into being a wannabe reel anime girl without doing any actual effort
This was such a bizzare saga that ended up amounting to nothing besides a random retard dumping god knows how much cash into being a wannabe reel anime girl without doing any actual effort
Tbf most people saw it happening day 1.
Graduating in 1 year is highly stupid gimmick. And then it was conducted by a no-name.
Vtweeters does "graduating in... days" gimmick because they never streamed in the first place and decided to put their $5000 commissioned model on stream once... for 30 minutes.
Bros literally copies strat from dead people.
It's like joining a corpo then go "I act like mikeneko as a gimmick".
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