Going to post my thoughts to collect some Migos. I'll update as they come out.
- His gimmick with the credit card is that he likes buying skins and shit in games (doesn't play gacha though)
- No nihongo jouzu yet (probably american since he learned german in school)
- Apex fag (had a compillation in his debut)
- Likes cars, clothes and exercise
- Really good production values, many scenes, very dynamic stream
- Seems excited but really organized
- definitely Nihongo jouzu (or eigo jouzu

, but she says English is native)
- also speaks Chinese and Thai
- English, Japanese and Chinese seem fluent and Thai conversational
- Is a Seiyuu fag, long list of favourites (mine is not in there

- Cool production stuff again, not as dynamic as Ryoma
- Is a cooking afficianado, some gourmet shit, her stuff looks like what you get at an upmarket maid café
- she ate a variety of bugs on debut
- has her own cover coming in addition to the debut song
- Cool RPG maker horror intro
- Nihongo jouzu but definitely English native
- she's dead, as in, a ghost
- Age: young

- I think she may be going for the loli crowd
- She only really plays League, hope she can change for the better
- Sung sweet tunes, followed by a botched jump scare
- Also has a cover coming in addition to the debut song