The twins will be coming back for a bit tomorrow night:
Don't think it was ever talked about here but they basically vanished for a week, which was a bit worrying cause they're always posting on twitter and keeping fans updated. Fuwawa was doing a solo week while Mococo's throat healed but she had to cancel the karaoke stream she planned to do last weekend. After that, it was mostly silence other than this tweet from Ally and Sally:
And this one:
The rest of Advent also wished them well and said they'll all hang out once the twins get better during Biboo's off-collab. I'm assuming Mococo was still recovering from her throat issues while Fuwawa caught some sort of heat stroke or sickness. Not sure if it's that hot in Japan yet but it must have been pretty bad if it kept her down the whole week. Good to see they're doing well enough to come back but hopefully they're not pushing themselves.
Between Mio, Korone and now FuwaMoco, it feels like someone put a curse on the Holo dogs.