Agree, but this in not how human psyche works. Thirstposting is entirely instinctual thing, and being vtuber can't cancel these instincts.I'm not gonna act like I'm above appreciating attractive women showing themselves off on principle, but it really does feel like they're unnecessarily selling themselves short by falling back on selling their bodies. The beautiful thing about vtubing is you can present yourself however you like, and since you're represented by an avatar your talents are able to speak for themselves, without the preconceptions people might otherwise have based on your appearance. It's a medium where personality trumps everything else; if you're likeable and entertaining you don't need to wear skimpy outfits or let Hollywood execs rail you to be respected, so to throw that advantage away and degrade yourself to being the subject of a smash or pass conversation on an image board or Discord somewhere for an hour or so before they move on to the next thing just feels disappointing.