"No. Many times. Over the course of many years. it's why I never use this site. Oh you haven't replied 17,000 times to some 45 year old aunt in the r/peoplenamedsashawhoknit subreddit? Well you can't post this funny picture or ask a question in the destiny 2 subreddit then, swine.Magni Dezmond (About Reddit)
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Edit: Lisa's going to be taking a break to rest and do some vocal therapy, because she's worried she's going to permanently damage her voice through overwork with the amount of projects she's been taking on. Also, her Mother has been having some health issues & she's been taking care of her. She does have quite a lot of stuff coming out in the future however.
Poor Sheepy she sounded so nervous about the announcement and her voice was really rough and she was so broken up about it.
She be hittin' that God Hand pretty hard (also her mic quality? I haven't been watching much streams so I don't know whats up, also she started screaming at one point and sounded just like she did before so she must be some kind of vocal mutant)
They can be anything, but the broader knowledge application of the term directly relates to judaism and that's the association people make, because why can a word have multiple meanings where some are offensive in a given context/significant brain damage.
See: Last year's gay attempt at cancelling the word 'spooky' because spook was once slang for black people.
The universe better be saving up a lot of good fortune to bestow upon this woman at a later date. Getting real tired of the universe constantly throwing bad shit at her.
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