How is this vtuber related. The guy doesn't even watch vtube

Or do you mean he is friends of a friends of a guy who also doesnt watch youtube and sometimes got clipped because his viewers recommend him clips?
Gacha gamer fag who actually has a wife, known for whaling infinite money, moved from arknights to genshin to whatever.
Notorious for making guides full of wrong informations, statements like "A is trash compared to B" but you have to spend 1000$ to make B good., etc.
He never was in any grace, he transitioned from arknights with full of hatred by the community. Tbh the arknights community themselves were a very toxic place with extreme amounts of backseating. The content creator in there doesn't know how to make any content beside guides doesn't help. I think at one point he was banned from one of the huge hugboxes discord.
Genshin is even worse, they had a huge math nerd community where every single skills is dissected with 10 pages of math, using excel sheets.
E.g: This is for equipping weapons for one character
, they also have maths for artifacts, skills, combo, etc. This document is only a small single part.