Vanya retard shit I commented on before.
So just wanted to point out because I noticed and it made me laugh; looks like the previously known Vanya Velveteen DFE'd everything actually despite saying she was going to be coming back to streaming. Twitter nuked, no vods on twitch, a fairly basic surface search of her name only turns up a ko-fi (with only one public dono). The only other thing I know of connected is the
tumblr that has some activity from today, and given the Ghost pics on it, the tumblr being where that huge tl;dr 'New Rules' manifesto she wrote was hosted, the 'About' on the Twitch being about COD and the coincidence of being a cringe child, probably safe to say "Aeryn" has probably run off to become an eventual terminal fujo.
It's often helpful to get the advice of someone who isn't emotionally invested in a situation, or even just someone to talk to and work through a problem with. Having two people to tackle a problem is nearly always better than one, since you have twice the resources, knowledge and experience to bring to solving said problem.
Yes, okay, but it still doesn't change that a "manager" to an indie is whoever they're fucking that has any investment in helping their girl fleece lonely shut-ins of their money. For something with a relatively low entry barrier or skill requirement, it's pretty profitable if she's good at milking the audience with nothing but social interaction and a mildly provocative avatar, especially if she doesn't need to help pay living expenses and can just bank her earnings.
One last
cover from Pomu and Elira.
The closer it gets the harder it gets to think about.

I might just disappear for a week.
It is finally clear to me after seeing Gura pop up on Twitter and in Kiara's chat during PalWorld. HoloEarth is being made as a survival craft game to bait Gura back into streaming. It's all for her bros.
GurAI is going to be uploaded to HoloEarth to carry on the mortal spirit of the woman who was Gawr Gura, hideously mangled in a "spearing" accident by a runaway mad negroid
vampire orc salaryman rogue cyclist and clinging to the last scraps of life after gestating and bearing triplets from the incident. Cover is racing against the clock to finish the baseline simulation environment so that GurAI will have a world to command so as to best avoid a mental breakdown.
Man, I can't wait for the .holo//FRAGMENT arc to start.

It'll be so good!
At least people don't think I am bri'ish or french. I would rather kill myself then
There are other shitholes in Europe other than post-soviet variety

There are parts that aren't?
Every man has a weakness, an inner demon. And Naganon's is the inescapable urge, the infinite desire to dox Hexa every 5 seconds
The upside being that if your indie oshi doxes herself and you realize she lives nearby, you're even more in the clear to make your move. Just hope you've not been acting like a fucking weirdo trying to internet stalk her activity to learn where she liv-

Uh, well, good luck guys! The
One Hexa Piece is real!