Phase do good
I'd like to thank Phase for reminding me that I did in fact order this set

Also nice to see that the shop has a twitter. What's not so great as they mention only a couple delayed items when I'm positive there are quite a few

Phase do good
Interesting. How are they understaffed? Was RIro also part of "staff" given how she basically was close to and helped the Gen 2 onboarding process despite being somewhat new? Or did Riro just have the entirety of staff run a train on her and they all got fired?
You mean his divorced wife sucking on 50% of his income?There's a difference. Robin had a degenerative disease that was robbing him of his life.
Who? What?Edit: Jets' Award show is tomorrow
Edit2: She deleted that real quick for whatever reason here's a screenshot for context
View attachment 60615
I think Niji can prepare a big one but they won't. They will save it for mid-January so they can start the year off with a bang.There's still at least 72 hours left 2023, any math autists want to calculate how many more Ls Niji can squeeze into that time period?
Guess im not the only retard that thinks this is going to be overall a positive thing.After watching Not-Rifu-Exoe's Twitch streams.. This agency actually looks really promising. I hope she succeeds here!
Edit: I'm not a lewdtuber, but it would be refreshing to see a well run agency for them specifically.
She is fairly competent. Girl is super young and has multiple successful channels. Also going by her stream, she has managed to save up most of her money instead of wasting it on stupid shit like any zoomer with money would do.It will be very funny to watch it explode in her face because she’s only ever proven herself to be incompetent. She couldn’t even read her own contract when joining a corpo, let alone run one. Total lewdtuber death.
Hard disagree. Appealing to coomers is the perfect choice. She managed to get $11,0000 starting out in about 2 months. As long as the girls keep their mouths closed about having a boyfriend the unicorns will spend money on them. From a talent point of view, they have nothing to lose. Free model, small pay cut, "talent freedom".Her general contract terms, while optimistic, are very VERY nice. I think she'll probably run out of money pretty quickly, and I think appealing to such a volatile audience is dumb (coomers), but overall I think if she can hold to what she's preaching and succeed, it'd be really cool to see.
I also just really like the silhouette for the "Pins" character...............
The cut is great, the benefits are great, theis great. Just overall good concepts for an agency, especially coming from being indie.
It only depends on how saturated the market becomes. I would like to see how many other similar lewd corpos pop up after she starts hers.I would like to think that a well-run lewdtuber agency could serve as a containment zone for both coomers and the more risque talents in the chuuba space. There is definitely a niche for "honest whores" in VTubing
This is one of my main concerns when it comes to her corpo. Infighting will be a thing especially if one girl starts to DM another girl's whale to get him to leave. I am almost 100% sure that this will happen. They will send nudes through DMs or some shit for it.I mean considering the entirety of chaturbate, the company for lewdtubers may end up being a bigger pile of snakes with all sorts of wild stuff happening, and especially, talents pulling a Riro every week. All of them. Multiple times.
This is another of my concerns. I think she will have to get a Talent Manager or some general manager to run things. She seems to be taking on too much responsibilities and she will burn out or start to fail to deliver on the scripts or many of the other things.The operative word is really "well-run", which I'm holding my breath on. I personally think exoe's experiment will probably not end well. But with a good-enough pimp/tard-wrangler the idea could work.
holy mother of god
I would assume that the management probably sent a warning to all talents telling them to not reply or react to the tweets. Selen is extremely popular and I would assume just for clout and brownie points most would just leave a simple comment either telling her to stay safe.vivi seems like she genuine loves everyone in the company. Looks like a case of a fan getting in
She & Doppio also showed up at Mika graduation totsu
One of those rare time when the silence is really loud. Beside those 3 they are all radio silence. Not just that, not a single Hololive who are close to her said anything. Including a Nerissa who spends more time on tweeter than actual streaming/sleeping. I'd think they are in the know that it's an actual suspension so no need to wish her well.
She doesn't know.
This makes too much sense and doesnt seem to have enough hate and curses. So not a typical Mana tweet. Everything she tweets comes off as if some retarded 14 year old was typing after losing a 45 minute long game in LoL because their teammate fed.This reads like something that would come from Mana. Tell me this edit wouldn't be believable:
View attachment 60631
Ex-ID talents and Mysta will probably do it. Hell Mysta has already said some shit without getting in too many details about how shit working at Niji was. Probably give it a year.In regards to the Niji drama, how many months/years do you think it will take for an extalent to give us insider information? I'm really curious as to what decisions they'd say lead to the corp falling apart.
How long do NDAs last?
It's not just about whether the NDA is in effect or not. Being known as someone who will divulge company secrets affects other people currently in the company, could sabotage any attempts at joining a corpo in the future, and hinder collaboration oppportunities with some corpo vtubers. It's not surprising so few people have decided to break their NDAs.In regards to the Niji drama, how many months/years do you think it will take for an extalent to give us insider information? I'm really curious as to what decisions they'd say lead to the corp falling apart.
How long do NDAs last?
Dumping old company secrets years in the future won't amount to much, just dramafag bait. Imagine Polka going off about her mismanagement within upd8, an agency that doesn't even exist anymore and trying to incriminate people who have long since moved on, sounds like some bs hollywood shit but without the sexual favors (hopefully).In regards to the Niji drama, how many months/years do you think it will take for an extalent to give us insider information? I'm really curious as to what decisions they'd say lead to the corp falling apart.
How long do NDAs last?
Why are you complaining? That's why this forum exists.Dumping old company secrets years in the future won't amount to much, just dramafag bait.
very late and massively omega gay but heres thisSo, I'm watching Killia and I had wondered if any of you have an oshi in a corpo, have you wondered what they'd be like as an indie? Just curious...
Mousey is hosting a lethal company charity tournament tomorrow. Mainly twitch normies but i might look at Geega's team with Lando haruka and IPN.
Which one is not yugo?Not-Mysta and Not-Yugo on the same team huh
Unnamed if im not mistakenWhich one is not yugo?
The only one I know is Color Magic, which shut down, but two of the talents continued as Sugar Palette which seems to be going well enough. That's probably not who you mean though, they had a more corpo setup and they use Fantia for the lewd stuff.
Honestly the biggest problem for these lewd groups seems to be discoverability - YouTube understandably doesn't promote them (and probably has some kind of soft shadowban). While I think she'll most likely crash and burn, Exoe/Rifu might be able to make it work solely by being sometime with a name and a following who can get the word out.
NDA doesn't cover that strictly, them not wanting to get sued is why you never hear "insider info" ontop of not wanting to be blacklisted from everything going forward.In regards to the Niji drama, how many months/years do you think it will take for an extalent to give us insider information? I'm really curious as to what decisions they'd say lead to the corp falling apart.
How long do NDAs last?
CorrectUnnamed if im not mistaken
I'm willing to use the autotranslate sometimes. I will admit, if there is no autotranslate, then I probably wouldn't unless it was very short.Just for curiousity sake, how many people in this forum actually click and view non-english subbed clips like this. Do continue your shilling, im not telling you to stop, just actually curious