It's Gura. 100% this is what will happen100% she's gonna drop it after one stream like many games before

It's Gura. 100% this is what will happen100% she's gonna drop it after one stream like many games before
Yeah the master strike is a must learn especially after they retweaked the combat so that enemies themselves use master strikes much more. It used to be that even if you didn't learn it you could still do alright just by learning the move sets and parrying, but once enemies were set to start using it, it's basically impossible to get any other strikes on some enemies.Main thing is you gotta learn the counter move from the early main quest. I did bunch of side stuff without it and it was a bit frustrating. It's pretty cool she's going to play it and I'm sure it will re-kindle some interest in the game. They have a sequel coming too, hopefully this year.
Sakana's big brain plan: hire JP talents so he can have tour guides when he visits Japan
If you wanted an alcoholic vtuber, here it is.
This video will be released in 5 minutes. Lumi said it's mostly thanks to Dizzy. Dizzy
Shareholder meeting transcript for Cover's financial results of FY2024/3.
Ririka got interviewed by a English learning service. [Archive]
VTuberの一条莉々華さんに聞く、英語の有効性や魅力 | 知る・役立つ TOEIC Program|【公式】TOEIC Program|IIBC
さまざまなシーンで活躍するあの人に、英語にまつわるストーリーをお聞きしました。英語で発信することの楽しさや大切さ、ビジネスシーンでの重要性についてのエピソードが満載。英語で「話す」「書く」力を測るならTOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests。-なりたい未来に効く
Fubuki's 2020 birthday outfit got updated to her redesign.
Shareholder meeting transcript for Cover's financial results of FY2024/3.
Ririka got interviewed by a English learning service. [Archive]
VTuberの一条莉々華さんに聞く、英語の有効性や魅力 | 知る・役立つ TOEIC Program|【公式】TOEIC Program|IIBC
さまざまなシーンで活躍するあの人に、英語にまつわるストーリーをお聞きしました。英語で発信することの楽しさや大切さ、ビジネスシーンでの重要性についてのエピソードが満載。英語で「話す」「書く」力を測るならTOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests。-なりたい未来に効く
Fubuki's 2020 birthday outfit got updated to her redesign.
Yuko is graduating, surprising no-one.
Following through on the five-day marathon from the donothon on her way out is admirable, though I can't help but feel this has been forced by the company so they don't have to hand out more refunds. I could see it being quite awkward since most of her fans from her Idol persona hate her now.