Maybe I'd stop laughing at the French if they weren't such a joke.
Time for some fun facts about France, that funny little joke of a country!
First fun fact, the age of consent in France is
15. They wanted it to be set at 13. In 2021. But don't blame the French though, it must have been hard to push back against the
long-standing acceptance of kid diddling among their intellectual elite. After all, it took
massive protests to get the government to finally- oh wait. That's right, they were protesting because they wanted bigger pensions. Btw this is like the sixth time they've protested about that it's the only thing that they give a shit about!
While we're talking about French pedos, did you know that
1 out of 10 people in France has been forced into incest? They didn't care until a female lawyer with government connections
published a book about it. They fought back against this horrific social trend by.... making #MeTooIncest a twitter hashtag. Truly groundbreaking.
BTW, did you know that during the French Algerian War, France threw almost 2 million Algerians into
"camps de regroupement?" The French, those lovable rascals, they really learned their lesson from German occupation!
But thank goodness Saruei gave me permission to make anti-French posts on other websites. Otherwise she might have to hide her nationality instead of being a proud Frenchie. VIVE LA FRANCE