Oh wow another asian womanapparently she upset a SEAYamanba and he has been fucking with her, he supposedly doxed her in the replies of one of her tweets, and going to /t/ someone posted a pic supposedly of her and a dude.
Oh wow another asian womanapparently she upset a SEAYamanba and he has been fucking with her, he supposedly doxed her in the replies of one of her tweets, and going to /t/ someone posted a pic supposedly of her and a dude.
"Miori Celesta paid handjob asmr"apparently she upset a SEAYamanba and he has been fucking with her, he supposedly doxed her in the replies of one of her tweets, and going to /t/ someone posted a pic supposedly of her and a dude.
apparently she upset a SEAYamanba and he has been fucking with her, he supposedly doxed her in the replies of one of her tweets, and going to /t/ someone posted a pic supposedly of her and a dude.
Certainly at that point a hooker would be cheaper, right?
I listened to it, if you renamed it hooker eats KFC it would be more appropriate.That's certainly a filename, alright:
Thanks for taking one for the team.I listened to it, if you renamed it hooker eats KFC it would be more appropriate.![]()
I saw it yesterday or a day before while I was searching for other stuff. I thought it was old news. My bad, will bring stuff up if I happen upon it again.apparently she upset a SEAYamanba and he has been fucking with her, he supposedly doxed her in the replies of one of her tweets, and going to /t/ someone posted a pic supposedly of her and a dude.
You see, she is the same girl that asks for USD20 for a complete mix of a song, while other musicians ask for $100 base. I bet she did that one for a Factorio Steam key.I'm starting to think people are too porn rotted, she isnt ugly by any stretch of the imagination, but I cannot fathom why anyone would pay for a handjob ASMR.
Certainly at that point a hooker would be cheaper, right?
Is she upset some SEAnig's dox/bait post didnt get shoah-ed in 15 minutes by her fans mass reporting it?apparently she upset a SEAYamanba and he has been fucking with her, he supposedly doxed her in the replies of one of her tweets, and going to /t/ someone posted a pic supposedly of her and a dude.
Seems like she is freaking out because no one said anything to her about it fast enough, not that it didn't get taken down.Is she upset some SEAnig's dox/bait post didnt get shoah-ed in 15 minutes by her fans mass reporting it?
Not even actual e-celebs with millions of followers can get that taken down that quick
So she's angry she doesn't have a manager to babysit her social media. Like we suggested. Like other fans suggested.Seems like she is freaking out because no one said anything to her about it fast enough, not that it didn't get taken down.
Sir, I know what you are thinking. However, you really must consider this fact in regards to that: woman.So she's angry she doesn't have a manager to babysit her social media. Like we suggested. Like other fans suggested.
I agree. I call @Awoogers a disgusting piece of Flip shit on the regular while he masturbates in the corner crying, watching Rin Penrose VODS and he has more of a spine than this French thot.why are you even on the goddamned internet if you cant roll with casual racism
grow some spine
Shut the fuck up you cock sucking cuck.I'm very annoyed by old overdone stereotypical jokes. Please don't be lazy, joke about current politics or something.
Holy fuck, just kill yourselves
It's always the whiny euro whores that love to shit on Americans but lose their shit when someone makes fun of their clown world country
Never, ever fuck with a SeaYamanba. They will do whatever they can to fuck you up, especially those brain-rotted simps.apparently she upset a SEAYamanba and he has been fucking with her, he supposedly doxed her in the replies of one of her tweets, and going to /t/ someone posted a pic supposedly of her and a dude.
I prefer youtube over twitch but some of the chat interactions with twitch are far superior, like polls and gambling. Points are largely worthless in Tenma's twitch channel because she doesn't have a lot of rewards for channel points like other streamers like Lumi. However that doesn't mean I'm not going to spend her entire Elden Ring stream gambling points on how long it will take her to kill a boss.It's almost like TTS and twitch alerts in general are retarded zoomer toys that worsen the experience more than they add anything. I'm there for the streamer, not chat trying to be funny by repeating the same tired jokes, interrupting everything, or trying to backseat as hard as possible.
If you want to be a funnyman on a live broadcast, start your own stream.
My favorite fact about France is that it is illegal to have a paternity test done and they outlawed it to "preserve the peace of families". Telling a French person "you don't know your real father" is likely a true statement.Maybe I'd stop laughing at the French if they weren't such a joke.
Time for some fun facts about France, that funny little joke of a country!
First fun fact, the age of consent in France is 15. They wanted it to be set at 13. In 2021. But don't blame the French though, it must have been hard to push back against the long-standing acceptance of kid diddling among their intellectual elite. After all, it took massive protests to get the government to finally- oh wait. That's right, they were protesting because they wanted bigger pensions. Btw this is like the sixth time they've protested about that it's the only thing that they give a shit about!
While we're talking about French pedos, did you know that 1 out of 10 people in France has been forced into incest? They didn't care until a female lawyer with government connections published a book about it. They fought back against this horrific social trend by.... making #MeTooIncest a twitter hashtag. Truly groundbreaking.
BTW, did you know that during the French Algerian War, France threw almost 2 million Algerians into "camps de regroupement?" The French, those lovable rascals, they really learned their lesson from German occupation!
But thank goodness Saruei gave me permission to make anti-French posts on other websites. Otherwise she might have to hide her nationality instead of being a proud Frenchie. VIVE LA FRANCE![]()
Meanwhile America makes it mass entertainmentMy favorite fact about France is that it is illegal to have a paternity test done and they outlawed it to "preserve the peace of families". Telling a French person "you don't know your real father" is likely a true statement.