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Not disagreeing with you on the other points, but in many Asian cultures older family friends are addressed as Aunt or Uncle for respect and in some cases, if they don't seem old enough for that title, they are called brother/sister instead. No blood relation required.
I did consider that, but just to add a bit more to my former points, it does seem odd Kronii would live a life where she moved every couple of years, all over the country, and yet still manage to grow up with Sally and seemingly always be within close proximity to her. It isn’t impossible to think that Sally’s family moves with Kronii’s every single time, but how likely is it?
Similarly, I am filling in the details from her PL, because she has seemingly never mentioned her sister beforehand as Kronii, yet it never appeared that she has had a bad relationship with her sister going from the few other mentions of her sister on her PL account. She has mentioned her sister a few other times, and her sister seemed to be fairly supportive going from this youtube desc
ANYWAY, thank you so much for 2000+ subs! That's so much more than I ever expected (which was 1 aka my sister).
So it does seem a bit hard to think her sister wouldn't have ever made a single mention in her life whatsoever as Kronii, especially when she came up often on her PL account in the youtube desc, no less. She has mentioned her sister multiple times in her PL account, wishing her a happy birthday, or talking about other things related to the matter, and then she just disappears completely? I mean it isn't impossible, but it would indeed be odd and almost life-changing event, one that you think would be alluded to as Kronii at some point.
I don't think we will ever get an explicit confirmation of her sister, she is extremely cautious when it comes to posting personal info online. Even when she had that one teacup dog Q/A video as Dott (that is removed and I can no longer find...), she mentioned wanting to remain anonymous on the internet in relation to the gender question.
Ratio Yuires using her 3D model for her weekly Saturday night karaoke stream.
Edit: I don’t actively follow Ratio but her stuff (especially 3D) kept getting recommended to my YT feed which is a good thing.
Does the white man that pays you and the rest of your illegal friends below minimum wage for landscaping know you're shitposting on a vtuber forum when you're supposed to be mowing the lawn?
I feel like pissing on the corpse of Akira Toriyama not even a day after his death will make you an enemy of literally every single person in the world it's unsurprising that SBI and its defenders feel like they could create anything even 1% as good as his work
It's really hard to prove it without outing yourself as most of it was done backstage within a small group, and no one wanted to defy Yozora's at the time (she had some influence when the EN indie scene was smaller) neither wants to do it now as it's already dead, but:
Shirara, LittleS, Yozora, Moriko, Eros, Koopa
(Cut from the dead YT channel)
Nagi Quetz, Goonyella, HinaBobina, Meicha (KitsuneSpirit), Yozora, Valravn, Nanase Cain, Ecotone, Eros, Roopyroo, Bukimera (BunmeiRA).
KokoNuts was also a member between those times but I didn't find her on the banners.
Long story short, Yozora and LittleS (e)dated, and that was fine for a while, the group was flourishing and LittleS was coming up at an amazing pace, but later it was revealed that the whore was using him since the beginning:
I know this screenshot looks manufactured from the sheer Disney villain energy, but it is real.
LittleS gave everything for the group, as the group was for Yozo herself. After talks went around, and he started being attacked, LittleS began his menhera arc, and he went quite nuclear on it, threatening doxxing merch buyers and allegedly even swatting some.
The so famous leaked print from a particular group when he went nuclear.
Convo with a mod, the porn mentioned here is probably just 2D porn with their characters
Because of that, the narrative was spun and now LittleS was the great villain of all consumers and vtubers, stomping over people's goodwill for buying their favorite whore's merchandise. After that, everyone in the indie scene admonished (or felt compelled to) LittleS and sent him into a spiral of self-righteous lunacy until he broke and left, leaving the bigger snake behind.
But she felt it wasn't enough, and started a defamation front against Moriko midway that process, to further bolster her "upstanding morals" and position as a victim, deserving of attention, but this time it failed because people either ignored it or outted her out-of-context push against the Bat.
The second and final implosion, as hinted by Mei, was that there was a problematic individual and it just fell apart naturally because of the bad atmosphere created, but the rrats are that Yozo fucked a viewer, and said viewer being inserted in the group was the last straw, but I got no confirmation on the 2nd generation and final downfall. She tried to keep the group afloat with a rebrand to Tokimeki Live! but it seems it died quickly, I also got no info on that part of the story.
From the time of the events (sep/21 to feb/22) there were many vagueposters hinting the story on the boards because they couldn't leave LittleS undefended, but in the end it gave no fruit because it never hit the public eye.
Kokonuts tried to talk shit and virtue signal some stuff when Mari sang a Yamanba during a rap song, throwing Bat in the middle of it out of nowhere, and she joined Yokomeshi right after Moriko left, so there's clearly bad blood between them (I would hate a backstabbing coomer monkey as well, her streams are boring)
Her name was muddied for the foreseeable future, and she was stuck into the 200ccv swamp for years, but now there's something new:
It seems the bitch was cozying up Sayu and other indies for a while, and she's reaping now. I do believe people change, but this kind of numberfag would only change with heavy consequences, and Yozo was never held accountable properly, only disassociation from her peers at the time, her simps stayed, and her platforms were upheld.
Hooooly shit, and you guys are still dunking on Froot? This bitch is actually vile, she doesn't even do sex! That said, everyone deserve second chance, but no one deserve third. We'll be watching, i guess.
Tori nara uploaded a cover earlier this morning. She is probably my favorite 2 view jp chuuba when it comes to singing. Her voice is both so relaxing and can be pretty powerful during her karaokes. I really hope she will get more eyes on her one day, she is way too talented to perform to only 20 people.
Just saw this on twitter.. one of the Niji guys got a new model.. is it just me or does he look like the hobo version of a certain homo's new model before he left..
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