-She watched people playing helldivers, said it looks interesting.
-She had a triops it lasted like 4 months she got it from a scholastic order, sea monkeys were not interesting since they didn't grow up, she had a marimo phase, she finds inanimate objects cute so she likes the design of the kronies.
-She was wearing braces for 2 years but yesterday she finally got them off but doesn't want to say it in public, she knows it will leak eventually but said it's okay, she wasn't wearing them during debut, she hopes she will sound better when singing.
-She took care of sally's aquarium for a year because she went somewhere, the worst part was cleaning the tank, syphoning the water was annoying because she would have to suck the water with her mouth and would accidentally drink it.
-She may have had a fish massage when she was younger, doesn't recommend it if you have a scab, someone said a person got a disease from one and someone lost their foot from one too.
-She asked how is everyone doing and said a lot has been going on around the world lately but didn't specify, she didn't like the Wonka thing they made in Glasgow.
-Someone asked her why she doesn't become a marine biologist if she likes the ocean, fishing and marine creatures, she said if someone likes space they don't have to become an astronaut, so she probably doesn't want to make things she enjoys as a hobby become her profession.
-She took care of a black molly she said it was really annoying since it got an ich and it came and went, she had to put a tablet in the tank to make it go away.
-She had a beta fish that died and it had it's gut ripped open by the other fish so she got traumatized.
-She sometimes has nightmares about fish or fishtanks, in one she was floating in the water with nothing else around her but giant eyes and the glass would have moss all around.
-Some one sent a SC about his sister's baby and she said kids sleep a lot and to wait for them to start talking and drawing weird things and saying there's people around the house.
-She never had a tortoise, one family member did, she had a lot of hamsters like most broken women, she had twin hamsters because of hamtaro, one got flattened in the side of the cage, her dad got it off there with a napkin and folded it and she saw it all too so more trauma.
-After school they (guessing her and some friends) found a kitten she got a cardboard box and a tuna can for it but the cat left at one point after.
-She pretty much became terminally online because her life was not going very well, she said she was pretty much the quiet kid and was going to make a schoolshooter joke but the stream died before she could, she did write in chat don't come to stream tomorrow, even her friends call her an enigma.
-Started talking about how YouTube used to be for the creators and how YouTube rewind suddenly had talkshow hosts and how they removed the dislike counter, liked the filthyfrank era and some of his songs, she said she wanted to make a cover of some of them but chose not to.
-She wanted to try river fish but got discouraged because her parents told her those fish aren't very hygienic, she also wanted to try butterfish but they didn't let her either.
-She was taking a shower and when she got out was when she saw the spider and got on the sink, she pussied out of killing it and called her family to see who would go to her house to kill it.
-She asked if we are happy with our life, people started traumadumping, she's worried about the things she works on won't go well, like not hearing back from things she worked on probably her 2nd original or birthday stuff, she talked about family things being bad because of people making things unnecessarily complicated, she has been supporting her family but it's never enough, shit family member talk, she cried.
-She tries to show everyone her best side.
-last stream someone roasted her for dying a lot on a ghostrunner level, and she told the dude to do a no hit run on it if he was that good,
he did it.
-She never dressed like an emo so no goth or emo theme for her outfit, still refuses to tell people in a public stream to drop the subway joke.
-Fuck you kronii I didn't pay to feel.