"He was like a puppy, but he had like massive bulging balls! You had to have been there!"S.S. Isa

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
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We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Following her new years' resolutions, Ollie was performing walking lunges at the gym when, unfortunately, she sprained her ankle.
Pierce Brosnan, please let this girl achieve her dream of dropping some unnecessary waist-ballast.


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Joined:  Mar 1, 2023
Every time someone puts extremely :MozumiPichi: image I am questioning how this forum has "no 'would' posting" rule and not one, but two emotes for fapping. This is some schizo behaviour right there. And very nice of Miori to provide a whole bakery to go with the wine


The lurker formally known as Drax
Joined:  Dec 2, 2022
Wasn't would posting banned because it got spammed ad nauseum, or am i misremembering?

The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
Joined:  Dec 14, 2023
Every time someone puts extremely :MozumiPichi: image I am questioning how this forum has "no 'would' posting" rule and not one, but two emotes for fapping. This is some schizo behaviour right there. And very nice of Miori to provide a whole bakery to go with the wine
Yeah, man. All these people are just out here outing themselves as being horny. Smh.


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I just hope what ever is going on in Kiara's head will past and she gets better before she does something drastic. I do agree that at this point, Kiara needs to get some serious mental help.(I know it's easier said than done considering you need to convince someone that they need help) Doki has a therapist and it seems to work for her, so I think having one might work for Kiara too.
Kiara is aware of her depression. She has been for a while, but just knowing alone won't fix it. Sadly she has an enormous distrust towards Doctors of all kinds, thanks to her chronic pains she has been living with half her life and never really gotten properly diagnosed or treated. All she does is get massages regularly to numb the pain temporary.
But that is also partly Kiaras own fault, Kiara wants an easy answer and solution from the doctors about her pain, a kind of "this is the condition, take these pills, and it will go away". When they can't give her that, and just say " we don't know what exactly is causing it, but physical therapy is recommended", she grows increasingly frustrated and instead of trying to find a doctor that isn't a hack, she just gives up on the entire medical field and lives with the pain.
Because of that, I don't see her going to therapy anytime soon because she kinda gave up on trying to fix her physical pain, her emotional pain she probably won't even try to get it looked at by a professional.
More likely, she will just cry in public again and get a hug from the local student working the cash register at the supermarket close to her (they have somehow become friends).

Speculative, maybe one of the women of this place knows more: She has been on birth-control for a while now, it apparently helps her to have better skin. But I wonder if the birth-control can also cause those depressive episodes? It does mess with hormones and such quite a lot.

Forgot to put this merch bit in the summary:

  • gets a good cut from solo kiara merch
  • kiara merch as part of larger group merch sets, the cut is "no comment" but she still says buying anything and everything supports her


The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
Joined:  Dec 14, 2023
But I wonder if the birth-control can also cause those depressive episodes? It does mess with hormones and such quite a lot.
Not a woman, but birth control pills have all sorts of wild side-effects. While it wouldn't be the cause of the depression, it can definitely exacerbate it. I would not be surprised if it was doing so with her.


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Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
Kiara is aware of her depression. She has been for a while, but just knowing alone won't fix it. Sadly she has an enormous distrust towards Doctors of all kinds, thanks to her chronic pains she has been living with half her life and never really gotten properly diagnosed or treated. All she does is get massages regularly to numb the pain temporary.
But that is also partly Kiaras own fault, Kiara wants an easy answer and solution from the doctors about her pain, a kind of "this is the condition, take these pills, and it will go away". When they can't give her that, and just say " we don't know what exactly is causing it, but physical therapy is recommended", she grows increasingly frustrated and instead of trying to find a doctor that isn't a hack, she just gives up on the entire medical field and lives with the pain.
Because of that, I don't see her going to therapy anytime soon because she kinda gave up on trying to fix her physical pain, her emotional pain she probably won't even try to get it looked at by a professional.
More likely, she will just cry in public again and get a hug from the local student working the cash register at the supermarket close to her (they have somehow become friends).

Speculative, maybe one of the women of this place knows more: She has been on birth-control for a while now, it apparently helps her to have better skin. But I wonder if the birth-control can also cause those depressive episodes? It does mess with hormones and such quite a lot.

Forgot to put this merch bit in the summary:

  • gets a good cut from solo kiara merch
  • kiara merch as part of larger group merch sets, the cut is "no comment" but she still says buying anything and everything supports her

I can fix her, She knows now the weakness of her flesh and bybthe Omnissiah's grace her body will be replaced nay upgraded to the shiniest and most holy metals Mars has to offer.
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Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
I really hate how retarded Amerifats are sometimes as they can't figure out what a manji is or that kpop singers aren't constantly dropping slurs in their songs. Learn some culture you stupid wide eyed ghost pigs instead of constantly slobbing the nob of darkies.
in this case it's not just about culture. As retarded as it is that symbol (or at least a symbol very close to it) was used to terrorize people for years and is still used for that today by mouthbreathers who think being loud on twitter equates to support.

A upright closed fist will always be associated with MLK .

A Hammer and Sickle will always be associated with the USSR.

A Spread Eagle will always be associated with america which is the funniest shit i have ever heard.

You will always be asscosiated with heavy breathing and meat chunks.

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Joined:  Oct 10, 2022
FFS, just plug your internet cable into the router, what's so difficult? :rinitsretarded:

If the router is too far, just get a 10 meter cable to plug it.

However, I should know that Britbongs' IQ are low and damn stupid :dokiSmug:
I have no idea why you're assuming Rin knows there's a difference between Wifi and internet.

The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
Joined:  Dec 14, 2023
It's been over a week since Gura's last stream. Are we legally allowed to meme, yet?

Gaotye (bilibili DD)

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Joined:  Aug 21, 2023

A South Korean VTB who switched livestreaming platforms (from bilibili to youtube) was subjected to Chinese rumors and online violence.Before she stopped her bilibili activities, she said she found a job in a church, equivalent to a tour guide at a scenic spot or shrine。As a result, bilibili's audience maliciously speculated that she had joined a cult (In the Chinese context, any church that does not count the three major world religions is considered a cult.)

She herself eventually had to comment in Chinese: 'Do you believe online rumors out of thin air? You guys are a disgrace." But even so, she has been subjected to vicious abuse from Chinese Internet users. The reason is just because "she abandoned the Chinese audience".”She failed the efforts of the Chinese audience.” "She cheated the Chinese audience out of their money"

Simply because Chinese viewers are born with disabilities that prevent them from accessing foreign websites, they believe livers have failed them.
This is truly a joke unique to the 21st century Internet age,
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Continuous Retardation

Ame Gosling
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Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
Yeah, man. All these people are just out here outing themselves as being horny. Smh.
It's just really cringe when people post their thinly veiled fetish material tbh fam
On a completely unrelated note this clip just really speaks to me on a deep and emotional level

Simply because Chinese viewers are born with disabilities that prevent them from accessing foreign websites, they believe livers have failed them.
This is truly a joke unique to the 21st century Internet age,
It's just amusing to me that the last thing they would do is blame their government for restricting their access to the wider world. No, it must be the cute anime girl's fault. I'm glad that Holo was forced to abandon china.


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Joined:  May 10, 2023

Just what the fucking niggєrshit is going on in VReverie

Like I saw those earlier posts and how she got prematurely graduated



Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
God's Strongest Fandead is back with another Rushinekozuna clip.

Paying gazillion of Yen in Lawyers: :menhera::hololove:
Paying Youtube Premium:


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Joined:  Nov 2, 2023

Just what the fucking niggєrshit is going on in VReverie

Like I saw those earlier posts and how she got prematurely graduated


Incompetence combined with inaccountability most likely. Or they've intentionally announced it earlier to prevent her from doing it organically on her own terms.

They haven't learned any lesson from losing Cheri and Erika, so expect gen 3 to deal with same shit. E: Unless they walkout
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She is craving marriage. @TinyKusa you gotta hurry before she does something stupid and end up marrying Kakun.
As much as I like Kiara as a creator, it is clear to me that she would be an awful high-maintenance girlfriend
She just has too much baggage still with her
Choco and Lui are gonna feed her
those two on the other hand... :MozumiPichi::MozumiPichi:
I will save their eggs and they will feed me

Gaotye (bilibili DD)

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Joined:  Aug 21, 2023

A South Korean VTB who switched livestreaming platforms (from bilibili to youtube) was subjected to Chinese rumors and online violence.Before she stopped her bilibili activities, she said she found a job in a church, equivalent to a tour guide at a scenic spot or shrine。As a result, bilibili's audience maliciously speculated that she had joined a cult (In the Chinese context, any church that does not count the three major world religions is considered a cult.)

She herself eventually had to comment in Chinese: 'Do you believe online rumors out of thin air? You guys are a disgrace." But even so, she has been subjected to vicious abuse from Chinese Internet users. The reason is just because "she abandoned the Chinese audience".”She failed the efforts of the Chinese audience.” "She cheated the Chinese audience out of their money"

Simply because Chinese viewers are born with disabilities that prevent them from accessing foreign websites, they believe livers have failed them.
This is truly a joke unique to the 21st century Internet age,

In addition, most Chinese do not speak Korean, and her popularities to bilibili are all from “ZIMUZHU”(字幕组), which is equivalent to the official fan creation community.This community is also responsible for the official VTB account.Because foreigners can't broadcast in China without a Chinese ID card. It is said that due to the extreme unprofessionalism of such organizations, there are even cases of stealing VTB's profits. Now that VTB has left, they have despicably begun to control public opinion and unleash their malevolence


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
In addition, most Chinese do not speak Korean, and her popularities to bilibili are all from “ZIMUZHU”(字幕组), which is equivalent to the official fan creation community.This community is also responsible for the official VTB account.Because foreigners can't broadcast in China without a Chinese ID card. It is said that due to the extreme unprofessionalism of such organizations, there are even cases of stealing VTB's profits. Now that VTB has left, they have despicably begun to control public opinion and unleash their malevolence
in Chinkland, there is only one religion, the rests are heretics and deserved to be burn in hell:



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Joined:  Sep 28, 2022
To the jannie who put the vReverie post on the banner, would you kindly use the enter key to make the sentence separate from the upcoming mole vtuber debut.
Aw come on, it's much funnier this way.
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